From click to clarity

Harness real-time insights and predictive analytics to build seamless, enterprise-level experiences that drive results.


The most trusted name in behavioral data analytics

Behavioral data that empowers smarter decisions and sharper direction

With behavioral data from Fullstory, you can...

Build AI ready models

Build predictive models and train AI with behavioral data synced to your warehouse.

More about Data Integrations
Analyze user data

Analyzed user behavioral data and take action

More about Product Analytics
Watch real-time replays

Watch a real-time capture of hundreds of signals to gain a comprehensive understanding of your customers and enhance their experience.

More about Session Replay

Unlock greater customer insights

With superior data comes superior personalization. This leads to more satisfied customers, increased loyalty, and higher ROI. And it all starts when you get a clearer picture of your customer with Fullstory.

Behavioral data visualizationSystem Datatemp filescachedisk imagepluginTransactional DatapurchasedsubscribedwithdrawldepositDemographic DataagegendereducationracereligionincomeBehavioral Datataps “cart”taps “add”error “page load”clickclickclickclickpage reloadcloses appBinary codeWoman making an unimpressed faceWoman making an unimpressed face
visual of a behavioral data platform including a spectrum of customer sentiment signals from loyalty to rage.

The data you need to win loyal customers for life

Introduce user-specific discounts

Identify signals of intent and frustration

Detect and deter bad actors in real-time

Increase conversion rates, improve profitability

Improve experiences & build customer loyalty

Minimize costs associated with fraud

Additional resources

What is behavioral data & why is it important?

Learn the essentials of behavioral data and its transformative impact on customer experience.

Read the blog
6 Hurdles of Modern Data Teams

A field guide and workbook to help leaders prioritize and plan how to address the biggest challenges

Get the guide
The four data quality dimensions every business should know

Learn how quality data transforms business strategy, driving decisions with insight on accessibility, timeliness, relevance, and accuracy.

Read the blog
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