6 weeks of HIGH LEVEL Activations + Upgrades For the Spiritual Achiever who is ready to live where energy and matter intersect in order to experience MORE Income, Impact, Passion & Fulfillment NOW!
Over 6 weeks we are going all in on the energetics AND practical application of the 4 Key Components to creating NEXT LEVEL MAGICK in your life and business...
Even if you haven’t officially launched one.
This is truly next level stuff that took me years of trial and error, lots of being down in the nitty gritty of the experience, tons of investing, of time, energy, money, “failure”, wins, and an extraordinary discipline to figuring out how to live a life of magick..
And I’m handing it over to you.
The Title speaks for itself..
Next Level Magick = Exactly what we are creating together.
Over 6 weeks, We are going deep into:
- The Energetics and Practical Application of the 4 key components to next level magick..
- What it really means to be activated into magick..
- How to Access your Unique Blueprint for income, impact, passion, and fulfillment.
- BEing the person who is capable of allowing in MORE..
- Finally go beyond the start//stop, lick your wounds, expand//collapse paradigm to get off the friggin hamster wheel with your energy and stop collapsing under the weight of your vision
- What does it actually mean and what does it take to be able to live in the intersection of energy and matter?
- What a journaling habit that creates worlds consists of, and no it’s not all about your feelings or writing 100x a day what you are trying to manifest.
- The core wounds of a spiritual achiever and the exact recode required to step into your full power and access your supernatural abilities to bring your vision to life.
- Mindset and energy shifts that keep you focused when you’d normally just break the agreements you’ve made with yourself
- How to create multidimensionally instead of just the physical - this is so key!!
- How to fully back yourself once you’ve decided on an intention.
- Accessing the vision you know is inside you, even if its unclear right now - even if/ESPECIALLY if you're a multi-passionate 'born for it but haven't quite nailed it down yet' creator
- How to become the CREATOR of synchronicities that create wild FUCK YES magick in your life
- The exact conversations and processes I use to stay in constant communication with my genius
- How to allow yourself to go to levels of pleasure and play that most people could never fathom!
- What beliefs really are and how to breakthrough any belief to get to the heart of the matter and know exactly what to do with it.
- Learn how to access your highest magickal state
- How to come into full alignment with the truth of who you are.. In your most magickal state.
- Understand what it means to be responsible to the vision, rather than your own stories that have been holding you hostage your whole life.
- Activate the most critical upgrade to your entire magickal activation
- Reconnect with the dreamer in you and become equipped to bring those dreams to life.
- Learn how to Clear the right channels so your intentions can become reality
- Understand how to stop manifesting from shadow desires.... You know, wanting something, getting it, then feeling shame or realizing you didn't actually want it in the first place... 👀 (just @ me next time.)
- Activate your true will and create real magick, even if you don’t know what that looks like just yet.
- The 6 things that kill your magnetism
- Learn the key Things that turn the dial all the way up on magick
- Exercises that connect you back into your deep soul knowing
- Know exactly what to do/say/when to be in the flow of magick
- Learn the practice that helps you break down old identities and activate new ones
- Meet your inner muse to stay in your creative flow even when you're not feelin' it.
- The ultimate training on accessing states of truth/ flow/ empowerment and magick
- How to use the key you never knew you had
- How to stop cutting your magick off before it’s had the chance to make it to the physical
- Stand powerfully in your decisions no matter what they are
- The number one reason people don’t get what they want out of life and how to ensure that never happens to you again
- 3 ingredients for HIGH Quality experiences that blow your mind every day.
- Rewrite the rules for your own life workshop day
- Why routines regularly fail and what to put in place instead to sustain your magick.
- How to get more done in a shorter amount of time
- How to collapse time to bring the future into now
- Expand time to experience more magick, creativity, and generally get more of what you want to get done each day
- How to prioritize your day to make more space for magick.
- How to decide 'it is done', and mean it! - we're talking pulling straight from the quantum here.
- How to actually put all these things into practice simultaneously
You’ll receive 12 -minimum- HIGH LEVEL, paradigm upgrading, magick activating, audio and video trainings
+ Worksheets and Journaling Templates on the daily practices that connect you back to your magick, vision, and the truth of your power and call in NEXT LEVEL Magick in your life and business.
It's time for you to see what you are really capable of when you allow Magick to FULLY take over..
When the mind is mastered..
When you approach life in your full power..
Commanding energy into matter in the way you choose..
Having the the ability to fully back yourself on the MORE you've always seen inside.
This is about activating the Magick IN YOU.
Pulling up the power that has always been there,
Pointing it in the direction of your passion,
and UNLEASHING tf out of the Vision you've come to fulfill.
You have a unique calling alive in you..
You have a genius that no one else on this planet has..
A blueprint for revealing you at your most brilliant
and we're going to unearth it so you can step fully into it and allow the magick to unfold.
Receive 6 Weeks of Ass Kicking // Soul Shaking // Paradigm Shifting Upgrades,
Action + Implementation + Integration,
and a Community of like minded badasses to be on this journey with.
Imagine having someone hold you to the fire and handing over pure translations of next level magick, along with in depth audio and video explanations, paradigm shifts, activations, upgrades, action steps, AND inner alchemy for 6 weeks!
That's what's about to happen my friend 😉
It's time to break the mf curse..
It's time to end the 'one day's
and 'what could have been's
And decide that the time is NOW.
*Bonus* When You Register:
BONUS #1 - Instantly Receive my Signature Program "Fuck Yes!! Your Life"
BONUS #2 - - Release & Retrieve Guided Activation mp3
Full release of blame, shame, guilt, doubt, perceived limitations. Call back the parts of yourself you've fragmented, given away, and lost.
BONUS #3 - Next Level Magick App + Community
BONUS #4 - 2 Pre-Recorded Live Q&As
BONUS #6 - Pre-Recorded Live ZOOM Deep Dive + Clearing Money Vows that have been forcing you to refuse more money into your life even if you've done all the money work you can get your hands on!
(These bonuses are more than double the investment for the course alone and I've been told the second activation inside is worth the entire investment of the course itself!)
I'm super excited to be here. I get so amped to start new course work with you because it's more than "I want x, I get x" even though that's totally a part of it. I've just become a happier healthier person and that's really special.
I've been doing my thang, choosing, and journaling and seeing results. I mean real $$$ results. I own a restaurant btw, and my vision is to be a consultant and write a memoir/cookbook.
Alyssa M.
this spiritual coach is BEYOND amazing!! I've been following her for years and she has taught me sooo much!! If you need help in your financial situation and want to have the career of your dreams, check out Astrid Chaotë!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
M. Peg
I listened to 2 days worth of activations in one morning and I have literally worked through years of shit in hours.. like what? I'm not naive enough to think that's it but also majority of it actually is because now I have the awareness in the knowing of those things and it wouldn't have happened without the way you delivered your message. I am blown away.
It's pretty fucking cool how much easier switching out of the "going towards" mindset has become. Practice practice practice. I thought I'd be working through this all day, but honestly, some music, a shower and knowing that I am a badass magickal bitch and I'm back in it.
My energy is wild right now. I'm feeling powerful, strong and vulnerable. I've woken up this morning after fuck all sleep and I'm going to spend the next day or so doing my taxes and I still feel like I can take on the world.
I am obsessed with this. It's making a massive difference in my life. I'm catching myself several times during my day and reminding myself that I choose magick. I had someone tell me yesterday, "you're so positive!"
That's not the usual comment for someone who has lived with depression since childhood.
The psychologist in me is fascinated with this whole process. The magician in me is saying "Really? You're surprised?"
Fucking love it!
Jessica R.
Just wanted to say that before I started this class, I was really REEAALLYYY struggling with existing within the liminal space between my magikal existence and the reality of providing for myself (being a business owner, adulting, etc). Thanks so much for this content. It’s taught me that I don’t have to choose between one or the other. That my complete existence can be magikal, and that has helped me more than words can say. 🖤
Paul C.
I'm thinking back to past livestreams and events that I chose not to attend and how I excused myself every time telling myself that it was okay because I wouldn't fit in, that I wouldn't understand or have anything to gain or contribute.. I was wrong.
The streams I've had an opportunity to tune into so far have been enlightening, engaging, thought provoking and just su fucking awesomely ... everything.
Maven P.
I swear, everytime you work with me it is the hardest yet most fun shit 🤣
Want to go VIP?!
Get individualized support to LEAP into Your Next Level Magick
- 4 - 20 minute 1-1s
- Plus access to my private client channel for the full 6 weeks
- Weekly Group Calls
A LOT happens in this time as we cut straight to the heart of the matter in your sessions.
VIP is for practical, immediate action takers ready to be accountable for showing up ready to DO the mf WORK to skip levels.
We will Stay in touch daily on Voxer (voice messaging app) where the real intensive 1-1 work is done to create massive amounts of momentum and mastery in your LIVED life day to day.
This is the perfect introduction to my 1-1 work (that my private clients invest 5 figures for) at a low investment level entry point.
If you're planning to start a business or already have one, this is hands down the best opportunity.
If you' feel like you're ready to take the leap, but need some hype or reassurance, or just want to find out if this is really the best option for you, dm @astridchaote or email hello@astridchaote.com to make sure this is the best next step for you.