Prepare for the Crypto Bull Market in Just 5 Weeks

Our comprehensive program offers a unique combination of LIVE online sessions, step-by-step systems, and practical examples to help you become more profitable.

  • Learn in a structured environment without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Shorten your learning curve and save months of headaches.
  • Learn from expert guidance so you can make fewer costly mistakes.

The 2024 Bull Market is already here - if you're feel underprepared, this is your best chance of catching up and capitalizing on it. 

Note: This will be the final Double Your DeFi cohort. The bull market's here and we've decided to focus more on our own investments and other opportunities. 

If you've been on the fence about joining, this is your last chance.

Enrollment closes when 100 seats are filled. Classes start on April 1st, 2024.

Imagine if...

You had a system for discovering trends and protocols before everyone else?

You had a deeper understanding of the tools and processes so you can evaluate new crypto opportunities?

You could improve your decision-making with proper research workflows and analysis systems?

Stop relying on luck and start making informed decisions with our program. We’ll teach you the skills you need to improve your decision-making and minimize your losses in the long run.

Level Up Now To Prepare For The Bull Market

We're about to hit the #4 cohort mark for Double Your DeFi. In the past 3 cohorts, we've guided multiple hundreds of students on their path to becoming profitable in DeFi.

This is going to be the final Double Your DeFi cohort.

Even though it's the last cohort, we're going out with a Bang. Think Kobe Bryant scoring 60 points in his final NBA game. We'll definitely be updating the content to reflect the latest strategies and our portoflios. 

Here are a few exciting changes we've made:

  • An Exclusive Airdrop Masterclass. Patrick will conduct A-Z on how to play airdrops. From discovering potential 5-figures airdrops to farm them with multiple wallets without risking being flagged as a Sybil attacker.
  • Introducing the Airdrop Dashboard.  The most complete, current, and step-by-step dashboard designed to give you a hub to track every airdrop you want to farm. 2024 is the airdrop season, and we're giving you the system to reap all the rewards with 0 effort.
  • *New Module* DeFi Yield Strategies. We'll be going into various DeFi yield opportunities that we're seeing. Starting from beginner friendly ones to more advanced strategies.
  • *New Playbooks* Taking profits and cutting losses, and trading psychology. 

These improvements are designed to help you level up your DeFi game without the pain. And shorten the learning curve before the next bull run.

Here's What Some of Our Past Students Have to say...

"I did actually Double My DeFi During the course..."

Adrian Beckett

"Before Double Your DeFi, my research was all over the place..."

Thomas De Vries

Do Any of These Feel Familiar?


Do you have trouble finding your own alpha in DeFi? You're relying on the analysis of others, and in the back of your mind, you're not sure if they're even legit or not.


Do you feel as though you're always late to an exciting project? As soon as you invest, the price tanks. It feels like you're always several months behind what's trending.


You're confused about when to take profits or cut your losses, and your emotions are getting in the way.


Are you overwhelmed by a massive learning curve? And each step takes too long to implement.


Are you not confident in your ability to fundamentally evaluate or analyze projects? There are so many criteria to consider – but what matters most?


You're frustrated by the thousands of theories online and just want to see better examples.


You're not sure how to do your own research and don't have a process in place.


You overthink what to do and how to do it, leading to inaction and missed opportunities.

If you answered “no” to all of the questions above, awesome! You don't need this.

But if any of these resonated with you and you want to become a better DeFi investor systematically...

Then keep reading!

Hi, I'm Edgy!

You may have come across me on Crypto Twitter or through my newsletter. Here's a quick rundown of who I am:

I first bought Bitcoins back in 2013 and experienced the infamous roundtrip in 2017.

I discovered DeFi in August 2020 and spent 12 hours a day studying it, making every mistake in the book.

I built my crypto portfolio to 7 figures and maintained it at that.

I began writing about DeFi in January 2022 and have since grown an audience of over 235,000+ people who trust me with their DeFi education.

I've spoken at Coinbase 2x and am a mentor at 0xBeacon, a web3 accelerator founded by the co-founder of Polygon. I'm advising web3 startups on DeFi and growth.

In an industry full of hype and moonboys, I'm known for having a more level-headed approach to the space.

My Journey with Crypto

I entered the crypto space in 2017 and have made every mistake imaginable since then:

My Portfolio was too Aggressive

I took far too many risks that weren't needed.

Lacked conviction

Didn't trust my analysis and let others convince me not to buy.

Didn't take profits

Greed got the better of me.

Didn't know when to cut my losses

Listened to the “HODL” cult instead of having a system in place.

Became addicted to crypto

Checking my portfolio became a drug.

I built a 7-figure portfolio in 2017, and ended up losing most of it. I made the infamous "round trip." I'm sharing this to show that I wasn't someone that got in early and got lucky. I'm a normal guy that has made every mistake in the book.

The 2018 bear market became so boring I left the cryptocurrency space entirely for a 2.5 years.

Re-entering the Space

In the summer of 2020, I was stuck in a rut. The pandemic had me glued to my couch, binge-watching shows and playing video games. That is until my friend called me up one day and asked, "Hey man, are you into DeFi?"

I had no clue what he was talking about because I had stopped following the crypto scene in 2018.

"You gotta get back in. I'm making so much money from DeFi."

I honestly thought he was kidding me when he talked about DeFi.

You can't just create tokens out of thin air, can you? But then, I realized it's not that different from the government printing money 😂.

It took some time to wrap my head around liquidity pools, token emissions, and more. But once I did, everything clicked. DeFi was a game-changer that could revolutionize traditional finance.

Timing is crucial when it comes to building wealth. Think about buying real estate in the '90s or stocks in the 2010s. I realized we're still in the early days of DeFi and the potential to create generational wealth was huge.

I didn't just dip my toe in the water. I dove headfirst into DeFi, spending 12 hours a day studying it.


The Big "Ah Ha" Moment

I didn't want to repeat my past mistakes.

A few years back, I stumbled upon a book that transformed my life in more ways than one.

No, it wasn't a trading book. It was James Clear's 'Atomic Habits,' a book about forming good habits and breaking bad ones.

It changed my perspective on life by teaching me to approach everything as a system of processes.

A system is made up of habits and routines that help you achieve a goal.

For instance, if your goal is to lose weight, your system could be your exercise routine, the food you eat, and how you track your progress.

If you're trying to grow on Twitter, your system could be how often you tweet, the topics you cover, and how you analyze your stats.

This approach made me reflect on my past experience in 2017, where I had a goal but no systems.

But things were different this time. Armed with the power of systems thinking, I crafted various formulas that worked for me, such as:

  • A system for entering trades with pre-determined risks and profit-taking levels.
  • A system for research that didn't involve mindlessly scrolling through Twitter all day.
  • A system for discovering new projects without relying on small Twitter accounts.
  • A system for evaluating projects.

By applying these systems, I turned my initial investment into seven figures in the 2020-2021 bull cycle. But this time? I didn’t lose it.

Systems thinking was my key to success, and as the saying goes,

"An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a narrow field."

The ONLY True Shortcut

As a kid, I was the chess king of my elementary school. But my reign came to an end when a new player joined the club.

I beat him easily at first, but then something strange happened...

Within 2 months, he destroyed me. I was kicked from my throne as the top-ranking chess player.

In response, I borrowed all the chess books I could find from the school library. I studied relentlessly. But no matter how hard I worked, I simply couldn't keep up with him.

I couldn't figure it out – how did he skyrocket this much in such a short period of time?

And that's when I saw him bring his chess coach to a tournament.

I was furious – that's so unfair! My parents couldn't afford a chess coach for me. It made me bitter, and I stopped playing chess altogether.

In hindsight, I learned a valuable lesson.

  1. There's no concept of fairness. If you have an advantage, you should take it.
  2. I was learning chess in ultra-hard mode. It was hundreds of hours of trial and error.

Having a coach shortens your learning curve because you're taking advantage of and leveraging their experience.

He was benefiting from his coach's 10,000+ hours and all the mistakes the coach had already made for himself.

Look at any all-time great, and I promise you'll see that they had a great coach.

Have you ever felt lost or stuck on your DeFi journey? You're trying to figure things out on your own, but you're not making progress as fast as you'd like.

You might feel like you're missing something. And you're right. You have blind spots that you can't see.

That's where a great coach comes in. They can help you identify what's holding you back and shortcut your path to success.

But not all coaches are created equal. Just like a bad personal trainer can harm you, the wrong coach can waste your time, energy, and money.

(Imagine hiring a bad personal trainer who gives you a dangerous workout programs, leading to injury.)

Imagine if someone could SHOW you the roadmap to success.

  • Step-by-step systems that you can copy.
  • Real examples of research.
  • An online community that transforms your single-player game.

That’s what I’ve built…


Double Your DeFi Live Training

This five-week, step-by-step online experience teaches you how to become a better DeFi investor.

Are you ready to take your DeFi journey to the next level? I'm talking about doubling your returns and turbocharging your growth.

Well, I have some exciting news for you. Double Your DeFi is a 5-week live online course starting on April 1st and completing on May 3rd, 2024.

This program is all about practical, action-oriented strategies that will electrify your DeFi journey. And the best part? You'll be doing it alongside other like-minded DeFi users in a community.

We're not here to talk about the "what" of DeFi. We're here to get down to the nitty-gritty and show you the "how" with actual examples.

Over the course of 5 weeks, you'll participate in a combination of live Zoom calls, research hours, Q&A office hours, pre-recorded content, guest interviews, and exercises. This is an interactive program and could be the piece you've been missing.

Why should learning DeFi be a single player game? Level up under experts, and alongside other level headed people.

This program will give you the strategies, systems, and support you need to supercharge your growth in DeFi.

Not in a scammy, "this is how you 100x in no time!!" way, but in a realistic way that's step-by-step, fun, and fits into your life.

Just like I've for done for hundreds of students already.

"Double Your DeFi elevated my game in different areas, especially in the on-chain analysis, gem hunting, and portfolio construction lessons. Edgy and Patrick brought it all in the course, walking as through their line of thinking and how they approach each spot in their decision-making is priceless.

This is a course that a lot of so-called DeFi experts should take to level up their game. It is by far the best course I took in any field."

Tiago Villela

"The course is intense, well presented, clear, without any fat and with tons of practical examples. With this course, you will get a very complete and overall picture of how to evaluate projects and the most important thing from my point of view: a framework and guidelines to do so on your own applying a proven system that already works.

Edgy, Patrick and the rest of the team are extremely committed to developing top-notch content, and they care about their students, not only during the classes but also the rest of the time.

Trust me, I teach sometimes and I am aware of how hard and time-consuming it is to build a course like this while providing continuous support.

Finally, of course I was hesitant about paying in advance good money to a pseudonymous guy, but now I don't regret it at all, in fact I am really happy I stepped forward."


"I am extremely satisfied with my decision to invest in Double Your Defi. The course covers all the relevant topics and tools up-to-date to successfully face your path in the crypto world, whether you see yourself as a beginner or an advanced practitioner, I can say with certainty that I am a much more capable and independent crypto investor.

One of the most interesting perks of the course is the hands-on approach to the different modules, Edgy and Patrick did a great work involving everyone in several opportunities to do it by yourself and giving you feedback and reality checks whenever needed, supported by their vast experience in this game.

One more thing: the lifetime access to the content and the community you can build in the course makes the learning experience last much longer than expected."


So, if you're ready to take your DeFi journey to the next level and double your returns, join Double Your DeFi today. You won't regret it.

Meet Your Instructors

Hi, I'm Edgy. 

I'm the pseudonymous founder of The DeFi Edge company. A little bit about my background. 

• I've been in Crypto since 2013. 
• I've spoken on DeFi at Coinbase twice
• Served as DeFi & Growth Mentor for 0xBeacon - a Web 3 Accelerator
• Built the largest DeFi audience from scratch.: 0 to 285k on Twitter in 2 years

Before starting The DeFi Edge, I created and ran a successful e-commerce startup. I'm most known for having a systematic approach to Crypto, and high integrity. 

Patrick aka Dynamo_Patrick

Dynamo_Patrick is a full-time DeFi analyst and the creator of the popular YouTube channel Dynamo DeFi. And he advises several protocols on tokenomics, and is a co-founder of Coinbeats. 

He has built an incredible reputation as a DeFi researcher and is considered a highly dependable yet hidden gem by many.

Before getting involved in crypto, he graduated from Harvard with a degree in Economics and worked as a Financial Analyst.

I'm 100% certain we can bring you the utmost quality to skyrocket your DeFi knowledge.

Patrick and I have packed everything we know about DeFi into over 20 hours of curriculum.

We've built templates and guides to help you, no matter your level of experience, become a more profitable DeFi investor.

Combined, we bring you 10+ years of investing experience to take you from 0 → 1 in Crypto.

Why Double Your DeFi?

Here's How It's Different

There are different options if you want paid training: private discords, paid newsletters, and pre-recorded courses.

The problem isn't that you need more information. You need a transformation.

"If information was all we needed, we'd all be billionaires with perfect abs." - Derek Sivers

And that's exactly what our program provides.

DeFi has an intense learning curve, and simply reading more threads isn't the solution. What you need is a program that's going to push you to the next level. Here are some things that make Double Your DeFi different.

Interactive Live Sessions

Join Edgy and Dynamo_Patrick in live Zoom calls, research hours, Q&A office hours, pre-recorded content, and exercises to enhance your DeFi knowledge.

Can't make it to a session? Everything will be recorded and uploaded, so you can watch (and re-watch) in your own time.

Is English not your first language? We'll feature live transcriptions from Zoom, and every recorded sessions will be transcribed.

Practical Examples

You don't need more theory. Instead of hearing "take profits" for the 100th time, we'll dive into the nitty gritty of how.

We'll share formulas on how to take profits, and share real-life examples of how we did it.


Double Your DeFi is not some pre-recorded course in isolation.

Learn from a group of passionate people and level up together. It will feel exceptional to belong to such a strong community of like-minded people. Interact with each other in private Discord and start your own mastermind groups.

Also, after the cohort, we'll move every student to a LIFETIME Discord server where you can meet students from past cohorts in a single place.

By the end of the 5-week course,
you'll have all of these additional skill sets:

Discover Protocols Early

Always feels like you're late to the party? No more! Learn a process for discovering protocols with potential.

The Profit Machine

You'll acquire a system for taking profits and cutting losses. Systematically and without emotions.

Risk Manager

You'll learn the warning signs of rug pull projects, pump & dumps, or Venture Capital Unlocks, so you never fall for them again.

The Evaluator

You'll feel much more comfortable evaluating and analyzing projects on your own, without having to rely on influencers or anyone else in the space.

Find Your Tribe

You'll be surrounded by a group of level-headed people and may form life-long friendships.

Construct a Solid Portfolio

You'll learn how to build a solid portfolio from scratch or how to adjust your existing one. We'll take into consideration your risk tolerance, time horizon, and goals.

The Current Narratives

You'll be updated on what's working now and what future narratives might be.

The Whale Watcher

You'll learn how to find whale wallets and understand their moves. Use their investments as inspiration for your own portfolio.

Maximum Efficiency

Not everyone has 10+ hours a day. We'll share tools, processes, and how to be as efficient with your time as possible, while still making the most out of your crypto journey.

Here's how people from over the world are Benefiting from double your deFi 

"I thought I knew about crypto. Clearly, I had no idea... The best $1500 I've ever spent. Honestly, I'll probably take the next cohort..."

Kevin V.

"Finding a dedicated community was one of the premier benefits I've received... I now have the resources to be able to find gems and evaluate projects a lot more successfully than I could before."

Michael S.

"Excellent Cryptocurrency Course! I have paid for a few other courses and this is definitely the best one hands down!

The material is structured and presented in a way that is easy to follow. The presenters are knowledgeable and convey the information clearly. They don't try to cover too many different topics. For the ones they do, they cover very thoroughly with lessons, walkthroughs, and additional training.

They had a weekly Q&A that covered a lot of questions, but they also answered everyone's questions who posted them in the Discord group. There are plenty of resources they provide such as which tools to uses, methods for tracking social media, checklists, etc. When you are done you'll have the knowledge and the tools you need to find and research potentially successful crypto investments."


What You Can Expect in Double Your DeFi

8 LIVE Zoom Training Sessions

/w Edgy & Dynamo_Patrick

These are live sessions where we'll deliver the core course content and systems.

Each live session consists of 90 minutes of teaching, followed by an open Q&A where you can directly ask us any burning questions.

(Need to miss one Session? No Problem. Everything will be recorded and shared)

Weekly LIVE Research Sessions

/w Edgy & Dynamo_Patrick

Imagine if you could watch over the shoulder of someone researching in real-time. We believe that research is one of the critical aspects driving success in this space, and that's why we've included live research sessions in our program.

Each week, our training sessions will be tied to real-time research examples. For example, if we're teaching "How to discover new gems," we'll share our research process in real time during that week.

Don't just learn the theory and tools – see how it all comes together in real-life situations.

Weekly LIVE Office Hours

/w Edgy & Dynamo_Patrick

Do you have any burning questions or feeling a bit behind in your DeFi journey?
No worries, we've got you covered!

Join our live 90-minute Question & Answer session every Friday where we'll start by discussing interesting events of the week and giving our takes. Plus, you can ask us anything related to DeFi and we'll provide you with valuable insights.

(By the way, if you can’t make it, you can always submit questions ahead of time)

Make New Friends

/w Edgy & Dynamo_Patrick

Looking to connect with others who share your passion for DeFi? Look no further than our private Discord community.

As a member of our 5-week cohort, you'll have exclusive access to a group of level-headed individuals who are just as eager to learn and grow as you are.

Our private Discord channel provides a safe and supportive space to ask questions, share ideas, and connect with other like-minded investors.

Oh and by the way, after the course ends, we onboard each student to a LIFETIME Discord server with alumnis from all Double Your DeFi cohorts.

Weekly Playbooks

/w Edgy, Dynamo_Patrick and The DeFi Edge Team

Learn through specific examples. Double Your DeFi Playbooks offers actionable videos you can learn from - not boring presentations, but with over-the-shoulder real examples you can mirror.

For example, we'll teach you about finding new gems for 90 minutes. The same week, we'll release a 30-minute video showing you step-by-step how to do it yourself and follow along.

This is the level of detail we give you.

The Course Curriculum

Over 5 weeks, you will master the core skills that every DeFi investor must possess.

Mastery of these skills is truly what makes the difference between someone who simply dabbles in DeFi, and someone who "makes it."

Here's what we're going to teach you in each session.



The Double Your DeFi Bootcamp

We understand that you want to be fully prepared for the intense live training sessions. That's why we've introduced the Bootcamp Week starting on April 1st.

During the Bootcamp, you'll receive a series of lessons and pre-reading materials that will introduce you to key concepts in the program and our philosophy.

The Bootcamp received a complete revamp based on suggestions from our previous cohort. We doubled down on parts our students found most valuable such as:

  • Internal awareness of your goals and psychology. This will decide how you apply the program frameworks & systems – It’s not a ‘one size fits all’ approach.
  • External awareness of how other market participants can behave and the psyops that can keep you from being profitable. After all, crypto is mostly player vs player.

The Bootcamp now gives you the foundation for your learnings. Meaning that you'll learn some of the hard-hitting concepts very early. This ensures that you can squeeze every drop of value from the live sessions, which we built to go more in-depth into real case studies and interactive activities.

By going through these materials, you'll be fully prepared for Double Your DeFi and ready to get the most out of the live training sessions.




How to Discover New Gems & Protocols Early

Monday, April 8, 2024 (9am EST)

Did you miss out on $Pendle, $TAO & $TIA because you found about it too late?
By the time people started talking about them on Twitter, the price had already skyrocketed.

There’s a way to detect tokens weeks or even months before Twitter catches on.

  • How to turn “complex” tools like DeFiLlama, DexScreener, and similar others into powerful weapons in your hand. We’ll show you a step-by-step plan to use them to spot undervalued tokens months before anyone else.
  • Crypto Twitter Gem Hunter: Most people use Crypto Twitter wrong and become exit liquidity for large accounts. We’ll show you how to use Twitter to spot narratives and gems weeks before the crowd.
  • 4 ways you can implement immediately to spot trends before everyone else – including what you can ignore to make the process efficient and fast.
  • Getting into real examples. We’ll show you the undervalued protocols we discovered early, what made us spot them, and how YOU can apply the same lessons to spot new gems.

There’s no concept of fairness. Finding gems before everyone else will give you an incredible edge.

Stack the odds in your favor.



On-Chain Analysis & Whale Wallets

Thursday, April 11, 2024 (9am EST)

Have you ever felt like you were too late to the party? By the time “alpha” gets on social media, it’s usually too late. Smart money has already gotten in, and the price is mooning.

What if I say that there’s a way to stay ahead of the crowd?
It’s called On-Chain Analysis, and it’s the secret weapon of the top crypto investors.

I want to teach you how to use it.

  • Your personal On-Chain filter: The exact framework to find valuable insights from transaction history and wallet balances. Discover new narratives by yourself.
  • But Edgy, I don’t know how to track whale wallets”. Fear not. We’ll show you all the patterns and tools you can use to track the big guys. (including free and paid tools)
  • Gain a real edge: A detailed look at what makes a wallet “smart money”. (and how to follow their moves)
  • Escape the “sea of scams” and learn what NOT TO DO when using on-chain data – this will have a direct positive impact on protecting your portfolio.

No more guesswork. By the end of this session, you’ll be armed and ready with the best tools & strategies to monitor on-chain activity, track whale wallets, and profit from it.




Evaluating Tokens

Monday, April 15, 2024 (9am EST)

The most dangerous trap is blindly following what others claim about a protocol.

Just because someone else is bullish on a token doesn’t mean you should be too.

That’s why it’s essential to learn how to conduct your own trustworthy research:

  • The PPPF framework. The 5-step process to make reliable investment decisions. Use the same template we use to evaluate tokens in DeFi.
  • How to use our Product Analysis to help you evaluate competitive advantages of protocols efficiently, so you’re not wasting time doom-scrolling on Twitter.
  • “Bet on Cults, don’t join one”. The secrets to identifying an unstoppable community. (it’s NOT just size, but quality. I’ll show you exactly how to spot community behavior quickly and easily)
  • Secrets of Future Plans: Detailed examples of great whitepapers & roadmaps that stand out in crypto – and which signals represent a red flag.
  • Learn to apply a SWOT analysis + 2 other powerful frameworks to ANY crypto project. Make sure your evaluation is always specific & correct.
  • “I don’t know where to start.” You’ll see firsthand how we conduct research and what we look for when evaluating actual DeFi protocols.
  • Research Mastery: Learn how to create and structure a research routine that you AUTOMATICALLY do every day. Get and stay “in the zone” faster.

By the end of this session, you'll be able to create frameworks to analyze any protocols on your own.

Stop relying on others for good. Move from 0 → 1 on research – rapidly.



Mastering Tokenomics

Thursday, April 18, 2024 (9am EST)

Did you know that not understanding Tokenomics is one of the primary reasons why people make bad investment choices?

“If you don’t know where the yield’s coming from, you are the yield.”

In this session, you’re going to learn everything about tokenomics. Start making informed investment decisions now!

  • Why a lousy design of tokenomics can break a project entirely – and how you can identify “loose ends” with real examples of failed tokenomics.
  • “It’s all about supply & demand”. A complete analysis of the most important aspects of Tokenomics – including a “killer framework” we use to structure them.
  • Value Accrual: We'll dive into different token mechanisms for how tokens accrue value, and we'll rank what's valuable and what isn't. 
  • Tokenomics Overhauler: Most people don’t know how to track hidden information behind the tokenomics design. You’ll learn to find it with a quick “cheat sheet” exercise.
  • A Sneak Peek at some of our favorites. Detailed examples of real DeFi sustainable tokenomics. (and how you can apply our framework of analysis immediately)

After this session, you will understand the intricacies of Tokenomics and never make an uninformed investment decision again.

Trust me, this session will be invaluable to you as a crypto investor.




Mastering Pumpamentals

Monday, April 22, 2024 (9am EST)

Sometimes, fundamentals don’t matter in crypto markets.

Identifying when fundamentals don’t matter is like finding the golden pot at the end of the rainbow.

But what if I tell you that there is a system to find it?

  • "It's not about what you think will go up but also what others will think will go up." How to use psychological leverage points to track new trends, and how to play off what's working right now.
  • Pumpamentals Heat Monitor: The 6 elements to look for when watching upcoming trends. Map out all the aspects that make a narrative strong... or weak.
  • Why “precisely timing narratives” is the key to lasting success. (Use this technique to make yourself IMMUNE to any downsides)
  • Never-before-seen tools & checklists you can use to stay ahead of the curve. Test each element of them with real case studies.
  • “What’s trending right now?” and 6 other pumpamental questions – all answered, including upcoming 2024 narratives and major catalysts.

Mastering pumpamentals is how you can ride the waves in DeFi.

This lesson will show you how to ignore “noise” and instantly profit from new trends.



Mastering Narrative and Catalyst Trading

Thursday, April 25, 2024 (9am EST)

Trading Crypto isn't just about the fundamentals - it's also about the stories. At any given moment there are certain narratives that are simply hotter than others.

Since the very beginning, Narratives and Catalysts have driven where the money flows in the crypto space. If you can identify these narratives early, then you'll stand to profit greatly.

  • Crypto is an attention economy environment. This is why everything moves so fast. We'll equip you with a simple 3-step framework to track where the hype is - including how to apply it with real case studies
  • How to evaluate any Catalyst with the Catalyst Table, so you can make informed investment decisions in less  than 5 minutes.
  • "Where can I find catalyst?" We'll show you a comprehensive list to quickly and efficiently track catalysts across ALL DeFi. 
  • What comes next? It's not about the 1st Order Consequences, but what is beyond the obvious. We'll train your mind to see what comes next, and position yourself in areas nobody is paying attention to.
  • Narrative Tracker: Detailed checklists and frameworks to understand each narrative and its strength. (including how to play it, no matter the market scenario)
  • The cherry on top? You'll gain access to an exclusive Catalyst Cheatsheet - a transformative resource for how to frontrun ANY narrative. 

After this lesson, you can apply the proven tactics and useful tools we showed for turning yourself into a true Narrative Trader.

It's time to get early to the party and be the one everyone's trying to catch up to.

Don’t just survive, thrive!




Constructing Your Portfolio

Monday, April 29, 2024 (9am EST)

The A-to-Z of creating an unbeatable portfolio.

We're not here to feed you some generic portfolio that you don’t know how to adjust.

Instead, we will arm you with the knowledge & tools to craft a profitable portfolio that works in ANY market state exclusively for you.

  • How to structure your portfolio between investing & trading. Allowing you to adjust for any strategy, any time you want. (This is the secret to avoiding overallocation)
  • The building blocks to transform your portfolio into a killer portfolio. Understand the roles of each position and make them work for you. (including how to choose the right ones)
  • Stop caring about bull & bear markets. Learn how to ride out the ups and downs of any market with our Portfolio Rebalancing Framework.
  • How to figure out your risk tolerance using the Trading Animals Framework, so you can understand where you stand and the best practices for your mindset. 
  • The 7 most common mistakes that separate high-profitable portfolios from struggling ones.
  • A complete analysis of Edgy’s and Dynamo_Patrick’s Real Portfolios – including how and why they structure the way they do.

By the end of this session, you’ll have your step-by-step plan for building an unbeatable portfolio that suits your unique goals.

Take your investments to the next level!



DeFi Yield Strategies

Thursday, May 2, 2024 (9am EST)

DeFi isn’t a playground for amateurs.

It’s about squeezing every last drop of value from your investments.

Knowing how to generate a profitable yield is the key that separates the best from the rest.

  • The "advanced frameworks" we use when yield farming (the right way). These longer-term, powerful strategies can generate multiple figures of profit every single year, ongoing
  • The Yield Guru: Detailed checklists and practices to optimize your portfolio yield farming. (including how you can adapt to any market scenario)
  • How to choose your yield using our Decision Tree System, so you can decide between any investment in less than 5 minutes.
  • "Where can I find the best yields?" Most people feel lost with so many options... we'll show you 2 specific methods to quickly and efficiently find the best yields across ALL DeFi.
  • Getting into real examples of Yield strategies that stand out in a hyper-competitive field - including how to use and adapt them for your portfolio.
  • Set up your Yields as a dynamic system that evolves along with your needs and priorities. Transform portfolio to profit in both bear & bull markers.

After this lesson, you can apply the proven tactics and useful tools we showed for turning your portfolio into a money-making machine.

Don't just survive, thrive!

"This is 1000s of Hours of Study, Mistakes, and Lessons Condensed into 5-weeks. This is the most efficient way to shorten your DeFi learning curve."

Here's what students say about the sessions

"I really enjoyed learning how to read on-chain data and draw conclusions and investment decisions from it. I was positively surprised about the super structure of the course and how everything built on each other. It all made sense and it all came together more and more.

I can only recommend the "Double your DeFi" course. It's definitely worth it. For me, it's the best course in the crypto space."


"The most valuable part for me was the systems approach, how to build a system and get more structure in my investing approach.

From the first session, I thought: "OK, I got my money's worth."

The insights they share, whether already known to me or new, are really valuable as they are compiled into one package, and this course brought me peace of mind."


"My biggest lessons have been the PPPF research framework and learning about narratives and catalysts. Having the framework gives me a clear list of items to research on.

Before, I’d just research the roadmap and tokenomics but not look into the team or product. I also would ignore the narratives that are not now and think if it’s a good project, then it should be a buy at any point in time, but it’s important to keep on top of what’s trending to take advantage of pumpamentals."

Stephen Z

The Double Your DeFi Playbooks

You don't need more information. You don't need more theory. The best way to learn is from specific examples.

We're offering you an innovative type of content called Playbooks - they're complete, current, and actionable videos that you can learn from.

For example, we'll teach you about on-chain analysis live over a span of 90 minutes. The same week we'll release a 30 minute video that'll show you step-by-step how you can do it yourself, and follow along. 

No other program gives you this level of specific detail. 

The Playbook Topics

How to find new gems on DeFiLlama

DeFiLlama's a treasure trove to find gems. It's from one of their dashboards that I was able to identify the Telegram bot narrative when I saw Maestro earning a ridiculous amount of fees. Get an over-the-shoulder view of how to track real alpha with DeFiLlama.

Reverse engineer whale wallets

We'll go into a new hot project. From there we'll look at some of the top wallets, and identify which ones are "smart wallets." Then we'll show you how to track those wallets and how can you copytrade without risking too much of your portfolio. You'll see the step-by-step to become a Whale Hunter

Analyzing Financial Metrics of a Protocol

Revenue? Costs? We'll dive deep to see which metrics actually matter, how to act upon them, and how to make your metrics analysis efficient and intentional. With real examples on how to frontrun price movements by looking at metrics.

Taking Profits and Cutting losses

I know you're tired of influencers telling you a hundred times: "You need to take profits." Enough of it - this playbook will spoonfeed the exact moments to take each round of profits or cut your losses. (with real examples!) You'll also learn how to adjust the Taking Profit level based on your risk profile and your risk with each token. 

trading Psychology

Imagine finding gems but not having the confidence to execute the trades. In this playbook, Edgy goes into the depths of the brain to teach you how to control your emotions in crypto. He'll dive into real trade examples where he applied his frameworks to overcome cognitive biases, trading without emotions and figure out the market psychology.

Building Your Tweetdeck + Lists for Maximize Alpha

I hope you're not using Twitter's "For you" page to find alpha. We'll show you step-by-step how to set up your Tweetdeck. You can simply mirror all the steps to have a complete dashboard to get maximum alpha inside Twitter.  

Learning is Better with Friends

What do you picture when you think about an online course?

  1. 1
    You sign up and get access to the course.
  2. 2
    You get emailed a login to a website.
  3. 3
    You go through the course by yourself. It’s a series of pre-recorded videos. 😴

Did you know that most online courses have a 15% completion rate?

We created this course to be more than just an online class. We wanted it to be an interactive, engaging experience where you learn with a community of like-minded individuals.

Cohort-based courses, like this one, have been shown to have a completion rate of up to 90%, meaning that you're more likely to finish the course and achieve your goals. 

Plus, you'll be able to share your journey with others, ask questions, and gain valuable insights from your peers.

Why is it more effective?

Social accountability.

You make friends and look forward to seeing them. You keep each other accountable and motivated.

Active Learning, Not Watching.

You learn in a roll, with Live exercises and discussions. Learn together with your colleagues.

No Person Left Behind.

Have a question? Ask during the lecture. Ask during office hours. Ask on Discord.

Here are some realizations of students who decided my program were right for them:

"Double your DeFi" was one of the best investments I ever made. Edgy and Patrick are the real deal. Both have a lot of experience in DeFi, they walk the talk and they constantly overdelivered.

I learned to put all pieces together. I feel way more confident in my abilities to perform research, find gems, and invest with conviction. If you are considering taking a DeFi course to level-up your knowledge, "Double your DeFi" is THE program you should be taking."


"When I took this course, I had doubts about the quality of the content I would find. I was afraid of coming across basic information I already knew, or the level of dubious courses found online. However, as soon as the actual training begins, you move on to another level and quickly realize the quality of the courses.

This training helps you get into the right frame of mind, to know how to interpret data, news, and mindset, to turn them to your advantage. We learn how to deconstruct/analyze a project, set up systems, use all the tools at our disposal and manage our minds."


"Before Double Your DeFi I was more emotional and had a long-term conviction on some projects on which I should have more short-term. Now, I am cutting the emotion and trusting the numbers and the data. Way less fomo, got new connections to discuss the course and the many tools, strategies provided.

In whatever level you are, Double Your DeFi would be a life-changer for you. It will give you excellent insights and strategies to grow steadily in DeFi."


"I've spent a lot of money on courses, content, books, etc. to gain an edge (no pun intended) over fellow market participants and almost always the "Masterclasses" that I pay for that charge ≈$1k or greater have been incredibly underwhelming for the price point -- given I could learn much of what was taught through relevant DeFi publications or books. Thus, I naturally had a low satisfaction/expectation threshold coming into the course. I only done so because of testimonials I've read, and I'm writing this for YOU in case you're contemplating going through the course.

DYD is astonishingly well thought-out, and structured, as well as insightful. As nuanced as each lesson is, the course teaches you to be a methodical and disciplined market participant. They provide content, relevant (free) tools and templates, and then they themselves walk through each section as they would on their own. Some might get sticker shock looking at the course's price, however this course MASSIVELY over-delivers for its price-point. Take the leap of faith, invest in yourself, and give this course a shot. Out of all the paid content I've consumed in this space over the years, this course is #1! Invest in yourself, and make the investment - you're future self will thank you!"


The Schedule

We offer classes that accommodate two different time zones, so you can choose the time that works best for you. And even if you can't attend every single live session, we've got your back.

Every session is recorded and uploaded the same day, so you can catch up whenever convenient. And if you're short on time, watching the recordings at 1.5x speed can be a real time-saver.

We understand that life can be busy, but that shouldn't stop you from reaching your DeFi investment goals.

Join our program today and take advantage of our flexible schedule options. Don't let time zone differences or a busy schedule hold you back from success in DeFi.

APRIL 2024








DeFi Bootcamp


DeFi Bootcamp


DeFi Bootcamp


DeFi Bootcamp


DeFi Bootcamp

[Live 9pm EST] 🌚
Kickstart Session



[Live 9am EST] 🌞
How To Discover New Gems & Protocols Early


[Live 9pm EST] 🌚
Research Session #1 w/ Patrick 



[Live 9am EST] 🌞
On-Chain Analysis & Whale Wallets


[Live 9pm EST] 🌚
Q&A Session



[Live 9am EST] 🌞Evaluating Tokens


[Live 9pm EST] 🌚
Research Session #2 w/ Patrick



[Live 9am EST] 🌞
Mastering Tokenomics


[Live 9pm EST] 🌚
Q&A Session



[Live 9am EST] 🌞
Mastering Pumpamentals


[Live 9pm EST] 🌚
Research Session #3 w/ Patrick



[Live 9am EST] 🌞
Mastering Narratives & Catalysts


[Live 9pm EST] 🌚
Q&A Session



[Live 9am EST] 🌞
Constructing Your Portfolio


[Live 9pm EST] 🌚
Degen Deep Dive w/ Edgy



[Live 9am EST] 🌞      DeFi Yield Strategies


[Live 9pm EST] 🌚
Q&A Session + Celebration Call

Schedule FAQs

Can I Benefit if I Can’t Make it to the Live Sessions?

At Double Your DeFi, we believe that the biggest value of our program is the information that we teach. And we're committed to making that information as accessible and efficient as possible for our students.

All of our live sessions are recorded and uploaded the same day, so you can catch up on any missed sessions at your convenience. And if you're short on time, you can even watch the recordings at a faster playback speed to learn more efficiently.

We want to make sure that you have all the support you need to succeed in our program. That's why we offer the option to submit questions ahead of time and keep our Discord chat open 24/7.

And here's the best part - we've had several students in the previous cohort who benefited from our program despite not attending any live sessions. That's how valuable our recorded content and resources can be.

We're so confident in the value of our program that we offer a refund policy. If you try Double Your DeFi and it doesn't work for you, we'll give you a refund without any issues.

I'm busy in April 2024. When's the next cohort?

There'll be no next cohort, this is the last Double Your DeFi we'll run.

What if an emergency happens in the middle of the course and I can't finish it?

We understand that unexpected emergencies can come up, and we don't want you to miss out on the opportunity to succeed in our program.

You have lifetime access to the course recordings and all the content that comes with it, so you can take your time to digest the lessons if any emergency happens.

Why only 2 timezones?

We have students from all around the world.

Unfortunately it's impossible to have a timezone that makes everyone 100% happy. This is the schedule that accommodates most people, and fits well with me and Patrick's schedule.

Can I add this Schedule to my Google Calendar?

Of Course!

We'll be inviting you to a Google Calendar with all the times and links automatically converted to your timezone.

In Addition to the core content, you're also getting access to... Bonuses!

Succeeding in DeFi is about Action.

We've included a few extra bonuses in addition to this course.

We're here to save you time and put you in the best possible position to succeed.

See for yourself:

Trading Journal

Looking to enhance your performance in trading? Keeping a trading journal is the key.

It is the most effective tool for tracking your progress and learning from your mistakes. And we’ve got you covered - we’ll provide you with a simple and practical template to get started right away.

DeFi Yield Strategy Builder

This is decision tree for you to help select the best farms. It has a strong focus on managing your risk exposure, and considers TradFi alternatives.

Whale Wallet List

Tracking whale wallets can give you an edge in the DeFi space, but it can take months or even years to build a reliable list. We've done the work for you by curating a list of wallets that we track.

Exit Strategy & Portfolio Builder

Determine targets to Take Profits and Cut Losses by forecasting different scenarios that may play out. 

Protocol Evaluation Checklist

A list of things you should look out for when you're evaluating a potential investment.

Narratives Tracker

There are so many narratives at any given time. I'll share with you a dashboard that I use to keep track of them all. 

Airdrop Dashboard

There are way too many airdrops out there to keep track of. This is a curated list of airdrops that we're personally farming. 


The Unofficial Airdrop Masterclass by Dynamo_Patrick

In this session, Dynamo_Patrick will walk you through how he farm multiples Airdrops in the crypto space.

It’ll teach you how to maximize your airdrop rewards - without being overwhelmed.

  • Leverage the best system to multiply your portfolio. A step-by-step process for farming any Airdrops without risking being flagged as a Sybill attacker.
  • Learn about all the underrated and less-known features you can use to maximize your rewards.


The Degen Deep Dive by Edgy

As much as I love projects with good fundamentals, sometimes you want to APE into a brand new project.

But how do you evaluate a brand new, high risk coin? The kind that just launched, the founder's anonymous, and there are barely any metrics? 

Edgy will research a new protocol 48 hours prior to this session and share his findings. 


 Commemorate Your Training with an NFT!

The NFT we gave away from Cohort #3

Upon completion of our course, we'll give you the opportunity to mint a commemorative "Double Your DeFi #4" POAP, short for "Proof of Attendance Protocol."

These digital mementos serve as proof of your attendance and completion of the course.

Not only can you use the POAP as proof of your training, but you can also keep it as a memento to commemorate your achievement.

The image on the left was the NFT for Cohort #3. We'll be designing one similar for this batch. We'll be changing the Icons around to make it unique for this Cohort.

How Much Experience Should You Have?

Super Newbie

You're new to cryptocurrency, you've barely heard of DeFi.

  • You don't know what a smart contract is.
  • You've never done a DeFi transaction before.
  • You don't understand most of the terminology on this page. 

This course will be too advanced for you.


You've setup a Metamask wallet before and feel comfortable doing transactions. 

  • You know what Tokenomics means, but you don't understand the nuances.
  • You understand the concept of narratives, but you don't know how to spot them yourself. 

You're a perfect fit for this program.


You're comfortable yield farming but not as profitable as you hope.

  • You know what taking profits means, but you don't have a system. 
  • You want to learn from solid frameworks for evaluating projects.

You're a perfect fit for this program.


You're a Gigabrain and experienced on DeFi.

While I do believe this course has something for everyone, this curriculum is designed more for newbie / intermediate students. 

Is Double Your DeFi right for you?

This program’s not meant for everyone. After all, if you try to make everyone happy, no one will be happy.

Here's who we designed Double Your DeFi For.

Double Your DeFi is right for you if:

  • You're tired of relying on other people's analyses and want to learn how to create your own.
  • You're willing to put in the work. The program requires several hours of Live Sessions per week, homework, and other opportunities for attendance.
  • You value your time and want to compress your learning curve.
  • You want to grow your crypto circle and meet other like-minded individuals who are just as dedicated as you are.
  • You want Structure. You understand the value of learning from a curriculum and what has worked for other people. 

Double Your DeFi is not right for you if:

  • You're 100% brand new to crypto. We won't cover the basics like setting up a Metamask wallet or explaining Ethereum.
  • You're solely looking for the next 100x token. While we'll teach you our process for researching and evaluating new products, we're not here to shill coins.
  • You're looking for a quick fix. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. There are no vacation photos or rented Lamborghinis here. You'll have to put in the work if you want to succeed.
  • You're looking for Technical Analysis. TA isn't our investing style, and it's not part of this course.

What Previous Students Have Said About Double Your DeFi

Enroll in Double Your DeFi April 24' Cohort

  • 8 Live training sessions with examples, walkthroughs, Q&As, and more.
  • 6 Exclusive Playbooks. Actionable content to learn specific topics. 
  • Weekly Office Hours. Come and ask us any questions, so no one falls behind in the course.
  • Weekly Over-the-Shoulder Research Sessions. Watch Patrick and me conducting live research sessions.
  • Never before shared templates, frameworks, and formulas. We will be sharing our actual portfolios.
  • Community: 8-week Private Discord server.
  • [LIFETIME ACCESS] to the session recordings and slides.
  • Exclusive Alumni Discord. A LIFETIME ticket to join an active discord with several hundred DYD alumni students. Meet new people.
  • [BONUSES] DeFi Yield Strategy Builder, Protocol Evaluation Checklist, Exit Strategy & Portfolio Builder, Narratives Tracker, Airdrop Dashboard, Whale Wallets List, and more.
  • [BONUS SESSION] The Unofficial Airdrop Masterclass by Dynamo_Patrick & The Degen Deep Dive by Edgy.
  • [NO RISK GUARANTEE] 14-day, 100% money-back guarantee.

1 Full Payment of


(or 3 monthly payments of $650)

Note: This is the final Double Your DeFi cohort. If you've been on the fence about joining, this is your last chance.



An Unbeatable Guarantee:

Try Double Your DeFi For 14 days, 100% Risk Free

Look, we get it.

We know what it's like to feel uncertain about making a significant investment in yourself and your future.

We want your investment in this course to be an absolute no-brainer.

You wouldn't buy a car without test-driving it first.

So, attend the live calls, use the bonuses, hang out in our Discord channel, and give this course a test drive. You'll go through the bootcamp and one full week of training. 

If you don’t LOVE it, I insist that you get 100% of your money back. If you’re not satisfied for ANY reason within 14 days of purchase...

Email us at, and you’ll get a prompt and courteous refund.
(The refund period starts on April 1st 2024 when the program begins.)

You have nothing to lose. All the risk is on me. I can offer this guarantee because we know how life changing this program is.

Can't I Learn Everything For Free Online?

We know that the internet is full of fantastic advice about DeFi.

You can listen to podcasts, read threads on Twitter, and watch countless YouTube videos. And we encourage you to check out all of these free options first.

But if you're looking to obtain results faster and avoid costly mistakes, our course is here to help.

Here are just a few of the benefits of our course:

Quality content.

Let's face it - the DeFi industry is full of scammers and low-quality content. With our course, you can trust that you're getting the best information from a trusted source.


Whenever I’m learning a new skill, I operate best when there’s structure. Learn from ONE comprehensive system, rather than fragments of different systems.

You’re also getting a complete system.

If you’re learning tokenomics from one person and how to research from another, you might get conflicting answers. 

You’re getting a complete system with us, front to back, top to bottom.

Everything’s up-to-date.

DeFi moves fast. Really fast. You don't want to learn from a thread or a YouTube video that's been out of date for even a little while. Everything we teach in the course is updated.

Learn WITH others.

DeFi doesn't have to be a single player game. Level up with other like-minded people.


This is a 5-week program. Stop learning and start executing.


Stuck? No problem. You'll have plenty of opportunities to ask for and receive help, from office hours to the Discord channel.

Lessons are updated constantly, so they hit on the narratives happening RIGHT NOW. These guys are constantly overdelivering value, and they're pretty damn funny too. I could have spent many years or multiple cycles trying things out, making mistakes, and eventually figuring it all out by myself. But this course has given me a major shortcut. That is what made this course worth it.


Speed run your DeFi knowledge in 5 weeks! I saved myself a lot of time and learnt a lot. Edgy and Patrick are savvy, and the whole team is very professional.


Mistakes are costly. Imagine your friend tries out the new expensive restaurant in town. And it sucks. They wasted $200 and several hours.

Do you need to repeat his mistake? Nope. You can learn from his experience and not go.

I have made many mistakes in crypto over the past few years. I’m great at reflecting and analyzing my own mistakes.

Don't waste years of your life searching for all the content and making costly mistakes.

You'll find the best information packaged into an easy-to-understand and actionable framework.

What more could you ask for?

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Benefit if I Can’t Make it to the Live Sessions?

At Double Your DeFi, we believe that the biggest value of our program is the information that we teach. And we're committed to making that information as accessible and efficient as possible for our students.

All of our live sessions are recorded and uploaded the same day, so you can catch up on any missed sessions at your convenience. And if you're short on time, you can even watch the recordings at a faster playback speed to learn more efficiently.

We want to make sure that you have all the support you need to succeed in our program. That's why we offer the option to submit questions ahead of time and keep our Discord chat open 24/7.

And here's the best part - we've had several students in the previous cohort who benefited from our program despite not attending any live sessions. That's how valuable our recorded content and resources can be.

We're so confident in the value of our program that we offer a refund policy. If you try Double Your DeFi and it doesn't work for you, we'll give you a refund without any issues.

Can I pay with Crypto?

Of course. You can pay here.

Will Edgy be Teaching?

Yep! Both me and Patrick will be teaching this course. I won't be on camera for privacy reasons, but you'll hear my voice.

I'm busy in April 2024. When's the next cohort?

There will be no next cohort. This is the last Double Your DeFi


Can I take this course if I don't speak English well?

This program is 100% in English. Every video is transcribed to English. You can copy & paste the text into a translation service.

We had multiple non-English speakers in our course already, and everything went 100% fine with them.


How long do I have access to the material?

Lifetime. Even 2 years after the course is over, all the sessions will be online for you to view.

Are there any payment plans?

We're happy to offer payment plans to help make our program more accessible for you. You can split the program into 3 payments (with a slight additional fee) when you check out on our website.

Please note that we currently don't accept cryptocurrency for payment plans. But we're always looking to improve our payment options in the future.

How much experience should I have?

You don't need too much experience to benefit of this course.

You should understand what Ethereum is, and feel comfortable doing a transaction.

Keep in mind we’ve added in the 1st week’s bootcamp to help you get more experience.

Can I do this class anonymously?

I don't see why not.

If you want to be anonymous during the course, here's a way to do it:

  1. Pay with Crypto.
  2. Create a new email/screen name.
  3. Turn your Camera off during Zoom sessions.

What if an emergency happens in the middle of the course and I can't finish it?

We understand that unexpected emergencies can come up, and we don't want you to miss out on the opportunity to succeed in our program.

That's why we give lifetime access to the course recordings and contents to the students, so you can take your time to digest the lessons.

Is there a community after the course is over?


There's a 8-week private discord server as a part of the program. After the course is over, we'll shut the official DYD private server down. (We have a ton of custom modifications to the server, and re-use them for future cohorts)

Before we shut down the private server, we onboard everyone to an exclusive Alumni Discord server to keep the party going. However, it's a more casual server, me and The DeFi Edge team won't be 100% active on it.

Can I get an invoice?

Absolutely. Just send us an email after you've purchase the course, and we'll generate an invoice for you. 

The Time for Action is Now

"Real wealth is created during bear markets."

Every generation has its primary wealth mechanism.

  • In the 1990s it was tech stocks (before the dot com crash)
  • In the 2000's it was real estate (before the bubble popped)
  • In the 2010's it was real estate and stocks (and now we're seeing it pop now)

Seeing a pattern?

The pattern is clear: what goes up, must come down. But those who get in early and understand the market can create generational wealth.

In the 2020s, cryptocurrency is the greatest wealth creator, and we've spent thousands of hours studying and mastering DeFi. We can give you a shortcut to success.

Don't waste another year - make the decision to take action and create the life you want on your own terms. Join us inside and let's get started.

See you inside,
Edgy, Dynamo_Patrick, & The DeFi Edge team

How students felt after taking the leap?

Double Your DeFi is the concentrated structured set of tools and knowledge by well known and proven practitioners that allows you to do systematic analysis and to evaluate DeFi projects. After completing the course, I can give a decent head start to many. If you are willing to gain valuable systemic knowledge in DeFi field, Double Your DeFi is the right platform that allows you to do that and in very compressed time at that.


At first, I was hesitant about shelling out the bucks for it, especially with Edgy's reputation on Twitter as anonymous and the price tag. But you know what? I've always respected his thinking patterns and philosophy, so I took the leap at the last moment, and boy, am I glad I did!

This course totally shifted my perspective on crypto investing and got me all geared up for the next bull market. Seriously, it was a game-changer. I'm already counting down the days till their next cohort.


Enroll in Double Your DeFi April 24' Cohort

  • 8 Live training sessions with examples, walkthroughs, Q&As, and more.
    6 Exclusive Playbooks. Actionable content to learn specific topics. 
  • Weekly Office Hours. Come and ask us any questions, so no one falls behind in the course.
  • Weekly Over-the-Shoulder Research Sessions. Watch Dynamo_Patrick and me conduct live research sessions.
  • Never before shared templates, frameworks, and formulas. We will be sharing our actual portfolios.
  • Community: 10-week Private Discord server.
  • [LIFETIME ACCESS] to the session recordings and slides.
  • Exclusive Alumni Discord. A LIFETIME ticket to join an active discord with several hundred DYD alumni students. Meet new people.
  • [BONUSES] DeFi Yield Strategy Builder, Protocol Evaluation Checklist, Exit Strategy & Portfolio Builder, Narratives Tracker, Airdrop Dashboard, Whale Wallets List, and more.
  • [BONUS SESSION] The Unofficial Airdrop Masterclass by Dynamo_Patrick & The Degen Deep Dive by Edgy.
  • [NO RISK GUARANTEE] 14-day, 100% money-back guarantee.

1 Full Payment of


(or 3 monthly payments of $650)

Note: This is the final Double Your DeFi cohort. If you've been on the fence about joining, this is your last chance.



Do you have any more questions or need help with anything?

We're here to support you! Just shoot us an email at and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.