Write Powerfully in Deep Third POV

Drive readers deep into the heart of your character’s experience


Tiffany Yates Martin


Live on July 12, or watch recording


Novelists who are new to deep third POV


Closed captions by Otter; transcript provided with recording

Deep third-person point of view (POV)—also known as “close third”—is a narrative technique that combines elements of both limited-third and first-person perspectives. It offers a unique way of storytelling that can greatly enhance the reader’s immersion in a story, which has made it increasingly popular in the current market.

Compared to omniscient POV and limited-third person POV, deep third offers more intimacy and immediacy, or a closer connection between reader and character. The author can delve deep into a character’s thoughts, emotions, and perspective with this unique POV.

However, using deep third effectively requires skill and attention. It demands an exceptionally thorough understanding and development of your POV character(s), and a secure grounding in their history and background, relationships, motivations and goals, personality, and more to give readers the intimate, direct experience that this POV can offer. Mastering deep third requires a careful and deliberate handling of perspective.

Another challenge is avoiding excessive navel-gazing or prolonged interiority that can slow down the momentum of the story. Authors must maintain a balance between introspection and action, ensuring that the narrative remains engaging and dynamic.

In this 90-minute webinar, career editor Tiffany Yates Martin will show you what sets deep third apart from other points of view, how to most effectively use its power, and what it looks like to drive readers deep into a character’s direct experience. We’ll look at plentiful examples to see what makes deep third work, to open a window into your characters’ direct experience while serving the story and moving it forward.

You will learn:

  • The difference between “deep third” and omniscient and limited-third person POVs, and how to achieve the perfect mix of third-person voice with first-person intimacy
  • The main characteristics of stories told in deep third POV
  • Pros and cons of using deep third
  • When and how much to use elements of deep third
  • How to master key elements of deep third:
    • Showing versus telling
    • Character perspective and personality
    • Inner life
    • Dialogue and nonverbals
    • Sensory detail
    • Avoiding filtering language
    • Avoiding POV slips

By the end of class, you’ll possess the knowledge and skills to effectively deploy deep third POV and create a stronger connection between reader and character.

Afterward, all students will receive supplementary PDF handouts on deep third POV.

Who this class is for

  • Novelists who are curious about deep third POV and want to learn more about incorporating this powerful, intimate POV into their stories
  • Authors writing fiction who struggle with creating and maintaining strong, consistent deep third POV
  • Authors who may have resisted using deep third POV who want to know more about what it can offer their stories

This class is not suited for

  • Nonfiction writers, including memoirists. While some principles may apply to those writing narrative nonfiction, this class cannot address the unique issues facing nonfiction writers trying to put themselves in the heads of real people, whether dead or alive. Questions about nonfiction will not be answered during class.
  • Short story writers (there may be some benefit, but examples and assumptions will be novel driven)
  • Children’s picture book writers

What’s included in all of Jane’s classes

How do I attend the live class?

This class uses Zoom webinar technology (see system requirements). You will join through your Internet-connected computer or mobile device. When you register, you will receive information via email on how to join the class. If you don’t receive it within 1 hour of registering, please contact us.

  • When: Wednesday, July 12, 2023
  • Time: 1:00–2:30 p.m. Eastern / 10:00 a.m. Pacific
  • Fee: $25

The webinar is broadcast via the internet with live audio delivered through your computer or mobile device speakers. The visual presentation is displayed directly from the presenter’s computer to your computer screen. The Q&A is managed through a chat-style submission system with questions read and answered by the presenter for the entire class to hear.

Closed captions are provided during the live class. We use Zoom’s automated closed caption service (powered by Otter), which is about 80%+ accurate. We also use Otter AI to generate an unedited transcript, provided with the recording.

About the instructor

Tiffany Yates Martin has spent nearly thirty years as an editor in the publishing industry, working with major publishers and New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling and award-winning authors as well as indie authors and developing writers. She is the founder of FoxPrint Editorial and author of Intuitive Editing: A Creative and Practical Guide to Revising Your Writing. She is a regular contributor to writers’ outlets like Writer’s Digest, Jane Friedman, and Writer Unboxed, and a frequent presenter and keynote speaker for writers’ organizations around the country. Visit her at

Well planned and organized; good program support. Tiffany offered depth of knowledge and professional experience. Well worth the fee and time! Looking forward to the follow-up materials.

M.K. Daly

Love the specific example passages and always lean in to Tiffany’s running commentary, which inspires deeper insight.

Margaret Ludlam

There was so much wonderful information. I’m so glad it was recorded because I’m anxious to see it again, slow it down, check out the examples and resources and understand it even better. These classes are a must for writers!

Barbara Galvin

All students receive the following

  • Access to the live class. After roughly 75 minutes, the instructor will take questions during class using in-class chat/text. The class will end after roughly 90 minutes.
  • A recording of the class—audio and video. This is especially helpful if you have a conflict with the class time or something comes up and you can’t make the session. Each registration comes with access to the archived version of the program and the materials for 30 days. You do not have to attend the live event to access the recordings.
  • Presentation slides. All participants receive a copy of the slide presentation in PDF form.
  • Rough transcript. We use Otter to create an automated transcript of the entire webinar, which we’ll share with you in addition to the audio and video recording.
  • Supplementary handouts. You’ll receive handouts on deep third POV that summarize takeaways from the live presentation.

Event Attendance & Anti-Harassment Policy

We strive to provide an environment where all present—whether attendee, presenter, or staff—can feel supported. In order to ensure a welcoming event, here is what we expect from all who participate.

  • That the presenter and the presenter’s work be treated with respect by attendees and that all attendees treat each other with respect and a generosity of spirit.
  • That attendees will refrain from harassment of any sort including (but not limited to) comments or questions of a racist, homophobic, sexist/sexual, or threatening nature. This includes actions that disrupt or interfere with anyone’s ability to participate. Offenders will be disconnected from the live event.