The Truth Seeker’s

Trail Guide

Take back your life and blaze your own trail

  • You've lost yourself...

    Your life doesn’t feel like it’s yours anymore.
    Every day is the same… like nothing you do makes a difference.
    No matter how hard you work you can't seem to get ahead.

    You know there’s something more to life but you don’t know how to get there.
    You didn’t dream of this life when you were a kid…

    You feel like your younger self would kick you in the shins if they could see you now.
    You didn’t want your grown-up life to be lame, you wanted it to be awesome!

    And fun.

    You couldn’t wait to grow up so you could do all the cool stuff you dreamed about.

    You worked so hard.

    But things didn’t go as planned and now you’re stuck living a life you never wanted…
    and you don’t know how to fix it.

    All you know is something HAS to change because you’re at your breaking point.

    It’s OK.

    Take a deep breath.

    You’re not a lost cause, and it’s not too late for you.

    You’re not a hamster on a wheel. You’re not just a cog in the machine.

    You’re something more… more than you’ve ever realized.

    Are you ready to rediscover who you are and take back ownership of your life?

Hi, I’m Dan, the Truth Seeker’s Trail Guide.

For three decades I lived someone else’s dream.
I built a successful life by following the path that others taught me.
On the surface, things were great. I had money, a family, and lots of STUFF.
The only problem was…

None of those things could fix the way I felt about MYSELF.
Underneath the outward success I was MISERABLE.
No matter how much I had, it was never enough to bring real happiness.
Each day was a desperate fight just to stay alive. Things got so bad I almost lost…

Thankfully, I realized I couldn't fix my life on my own and I chose to ask for help.

Through talk therapy I learned how to use emotional tools which changed my life.
I began to set boundaries instead of being a doormat or people-pleaser.
My relationships became stronger, deeper, and healthier, starting with MYSELF.

Instead of following the path of others, I discovered how to blaze my own trail.
I mastered how to take ownership of my life, my choices, and my happiness.
My life was finally my own for the first time. I felt FREE.

And I want that same freedom for you.

Because I know what it’s like to feel powerless.

To feel like your choices are made for you by someone else, and that nothing you do really matters.

So whether you’re angry because you spend so much time meeting other people’s needs and there’s no time left for yours…

Or you're overwhelmed because you feel pulled in a thousand different directions…

You’re being crushed under the weight of everyone else’s expectations of you.

And something HAS to change.

If you’re ready for that change but you don't know where to start, click the button below and let’s talk. I’m here to help you figure it all out.



My journey through depression and how I broke free from the system and took back my life.

(And how you can do it too!)


  • “I began working with Dan when I was navigating one of the darkest periods of my life. The fear and uncertainty were overwhelming. Dan has been an invaluable guide in helping me navigate through various issues and teaching me to perceive the world and my challenges from different perspectives. I can confidently say that without Dan's support, I wouldn't be where I am today. His unwavering assistance has been a beacon of light in my journey towards healing and personal growth.” ~ Audrey M.

  • “Dan has an uncanny knack for making you feel safe and making your problems feel lighter. In doing that he helps create perspective and room for joy. When we talk, I always leave with a big smile and a deep remembering that I am in fact worthy, on the right path, and on time. As a self-critical person, I'm often skeptical of anyone so positive, but with Dan, I know his words are well-informed and trustworthy.” ~ Sara K.

  • “I was in a rut in what seemed like every area of my life. I was drinking too much, stressed about work, dealing with tough family situations and my relationships were suffering as a result. I felt like I was stuck in a miserable cycle that got worse as time went on. I had no idea what to do, but I knew I needed to talk to someone.”

    “I had never been the type to ask for help or talk about my feelings before I reached out to Dan. He helped me see things through a different perspective and heal a lot of deep wounds, some of which I didn’t even know I had. Ultimately he helped me see what was really there all along.”

    “Dan is approachable, understanding, gentle, kind, and loving. He also held me accountable. Dan, thank you for your love and guidance. I am forever grateful for your support.” ~ Jordan E.

  • “I reached out to Dan when I was at a low point in my life. I was struggling with addiction and had a toxic perception of myself. Dan helped me see how I had projected my own feelings about myself onto others and how I thought others perceived me. Before working together, I never would have asked myself deep hard-hitting questions or have taken the time for self-reflection.”

    “I haven’t felt this good about myself in 20 years. What I learned working with Dan improved not only how I view myself, but my relationships with friends, family and co-workers. Thank you for everything, Dan.” ~ P. Martin

Notes from the Trail

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