11ty logo International Symposium on Making Web Sites Real Good

The possum mascot floating on a red balloon via a light blue tether attached at the waist. They are wearing oversized glasses.
We’re running a conference…
this is an 11ty Conference.
The possum mascot floating on a red balloon via a light blue tether attached at the waist. They are wearing oversized glasses.


A brand new exclusively (and extremely) online (virtual) single-day single-track conference dedicated to Web Development and the IndieWeb Avatar for https://www.11ty.dev/ Eleventy static site generator.

May 9, 2024 at 03:00 PM UTC

View the full schedule below!

Watch on YouTube

May 17 Update: All talk session videos are now available in a YouTube playlist.

May 10 Update: Video of the full stream is available on YouTube. Individual talk videos will be available in the coming weeks!

How do I sign up?

May 10 Update: Registration is now closed. Thank you to the the 2005 folks that attended the 11ty Conference!

Thanks to our wonderful sponsors, the conference is free! If you’re attending and representing a company, donations are always appreciated.

All participants (attendees, speakers, sponsors, staff, organizers, volunteers) will be required to abide by the code of conduct. Please read it thoroughly to ensure a welcoming event for all.


CloudCannon Artist Activist

Want your logo here? Get in touch and we’ll send over our sponsorship prospectus.


Displayed in random order, these speakers were selected via our public call for proposals.


Join us on May 9, 2024 at 03:00 PM UTC!

Time Talk
03:00 PM UTC Kickoff!
03:15 PM UTC The Future of 11ty
03:45 PM UTC Hints & Suggestions (First, Do No Harm)
04:10 PM UTC 11ty and Large-Project Tooling
04:40 PM UTC Break
05:00 PM UTC Digital Frontiers, IndieWeb Cowboys, and A Place Online To Call Your Own
05:15 PM UTC You're Probably Doing Web Performance Wrong
05:40 PM UTC Building a Town That Doesn't Exist
05:55 PM UTC Break
06:15 PM UTC 11ty Sites for People Who Don't Think they are Web Developers
06:30 PM UTC Don't Fear the Cascade
06:55 PM UTC Managing content management (with no vendor lock-in): Git CMS and static API generation, together at last!
07:10 PM UTC Break
07:30 PM UTC Come to the light side: HTML Web Components
07:55 PM UTC Chinese Type Systems
08:10 PM UTC Light mode versus Dark mode
08:35 PM UTC Wrap up and final comments


For this online event, we’re doing our best to achieve an accessible event for all, extending to each and every part of the event:

If you notice something that doesn’t satisfy these goals, please contact the organizer team.

Shirts & Stickers

For increased sustainability and to reduce waste, our online event is free and the swag is an add-on available for purchase.

April 29 Update: All orders have been shipped!

April 8 Update: the store is now closed. The order has been sent to the printers and we’ll ship these out when they’re finished!

For a very limited time (closing April 5, 2024), we have opened an 11ty Merch store for folks that are interested in buying a bundle (shirt and stickers) to support the conference and the open source project. The goal is to get these in your hands before the conference on May 9th!

The Team

You can email the entire team.

The possum mascot floating on a red balloon via a light blue tether attached at the waist. They are wearing oversized glasses.
An alley way with a green dumpster. A brick building sits in the background with a small possum floating on a red balloon in the window.