CREATURE FEATURE: Golden Mantella Frog

The Golden Mantella Frog (Mantella aurantiaca) is a small poisonous amphibian in the Mantellidae family. 

The Golden Mantella Frog is yellow, orange, or red. Its inner leg has red flash markings. 

Golden Mantella Frog

It grows up to 2-3 centimetres (1 inch) long. 

It is native to Madagascar. It prefers tropical forests and wetlands. 

It is terrestrial, living on the ground (not in trees). It is dormant (inactive) in winter. It emerges when the rains arrive. 

It eats small invertebrates, such as insects (mainly flies and ants). Its bright colour warns its predators that it is poisonous. However, snakes and skinks will eat it.

The female lays eggs on the ground near water. The eggs hatch into tadpoles. When the rains come, the tadpoles are washed from the land into water, such as ponds and rivers.

Golden Mantella Frog
Golden Mantella Frog
Golden Mantella Frog
Golden Mantella Frog
Golden Mantella Frog
Golden Mantella Frog

Photographer: Martina Nicolls


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