Feb 7 (edited) in Product Feedback
Top 3 Mistakes I See Skool Users Make & How to Fix Them
⚠️ Warning: Unless you're a Skool pro or you've worked with me to set up or optimize your Skool community, you're likely making at least 1 of these 3 mistakes with your Skool community and it's costing you thousands of dollars per month due to sheer ignorance.
This post reveals just how simple it can be to earn more money every month with your free Skool community by fixing a few common mistakes.
For context: My free Skool community makes me between $50,000 and $100,000/month because I've fixed the 3 mistakes I’m sharing with you here.
Mistake #1: A Terrible Invitation.
Most free Skool communities have a garbage invitation like this:
“Hey so... I know you don’t really know me and you probably think I have nothing of value to offer but do you want to to jOiN mY FrEe CoMmUniTy?”
We've got to do better than that!
Here’s how:
Think like a fisherman. 🐠
I don’t fish anymore, but when I used to fish, I put BAIT (worms) on the hook and it worked every time…
Turns out, people don’t actually give a sh*t about your community UNTIL they’re in it.
…so, we must get them in first with some bait 😏...
Try posting something like this:
“If you’re looking to achieve ___ but you’re struggling with ___, I just put together a step by step guide for you that will <eliminate the struggle> and <get you dream outcome> without you needing to <thing #1 they don’t wanna do> or <thing #2 they don’t wanna do>. You can get the guide here for free.”
Much better!
Well done young padawan.
When you give away SUPER helpful guides (like a mini course, a PDF, or a private Zoom recording) on social media or via email, and you make those super helpful guides live inside your Skool community, people will join to get it.
Everyday I focus on giving away my guides, and I let my Skool community be the house for the guides, and people happily come for the guide, and then stay for the community.
To create a super helpful freebie, write down the BIGGEST problem that people in your niche are experiencing, and then write or film a guide on how they can solve it.
Or... write down the BIGGEST desire people in your niche have (ie. their dream outcome) and then write or film a guide on how to achieve it as effortlessly as possible.
Boom x2.
Personally, I have about 30 super helpful freebies that I rotate through and give away each week, and they all lead to my free Skool community.
This makes it super easy for me to keep growing my free community because all I have to do is promote my freebies on social media :)
Mistake #2: The Missing Finish Line.
Once people join your community, it should be made very clear in your pinned post, group description, and intro classroom module what the “end goal” is for them.
The end goal of your community needs to be a highly desirable end outcome… like:
• More dates on tinder
• Married to your soulmate
• Chronic back pain gone forever
• More speaking gigs landed
• 6 pack abs showing
• Make $10,000/month
Did you notice how these are all highly specific, highly desirable, and end result focused?
Of course you did.
Great job staying focused. Keep it up - we're almost done.
Having a highly desirable, clearly defined end goal like the examples provided will give your members a target to aim for, a direction to head in, and a finish line to work towards.
“Where there is no vision, the people will perish.” - Proverbs 29:18
In my free Skool community the end goal is: Make $10,000/month with your own Skool community.
Ok, now it's you're turn young padawan.
Try filling in the blank below:
“My community helps people ______.” (Insert highly desirable end result).
Make sure whatever you write is clear, concise, and compelling.
Mistake #3: A Poor Man’s Bridge.
"I have been a rich man and I have been a poor man. And I choose rich every f*&%in' time." - Jordan Belfort
Whenever I join a free community, I look to see how I can upgrade to the paid version… and most of the time I’m amazed at how hard it is to do so.
Most free communities don’t make it easy for people to pay them.
They have “A Poor Man’s Bridge” between them and the money.
Personally, I prefer having “A Golden Bridge” between me & the money.
Here are 5 practical ways to make it easy for people to pay you:
  1. End of Lesson CTA’s.
At the end of each lesson in my classroom, I remind the viewer that if they’d rather not implement all of this alone, and they’d rather get some 1 on 1 help implementing, they can schedule a free call with me/my team via the link provided.
  1. End of Module CTA’s. 
At the end of each “Set” (I call them modules... idk why Skool calls them "Sets") we have a lesson called “Upgrade to VIP” which lets them schedule in a free call for 1 on 1 help.
  1. Right Menu Link. 
Skool gives you the option to add 3 links on the right hand side of our community.
So what do we do?
We use super sophisticated, uber complex copywriting words that read: "Upgrade Your Account."
This links people to our paid community.
Works great.
  1. Calendar Link. 
Our free community has weekly repeated calendar events and when someone in the free community clicks on an event, the calendar pop up says:
“😱 These calls are for paying Contentpreneurs members only. To become a member, click here: https://www.skool.com/contentpreneur/about"
  1. DM Flow.
Whenever someone joins our free community, we Auto-DM them using Skools Auto-DM feature.
This Auto-DM often turns into an actual convo which then leads to people booking a quick 5-10min call with us.
On that quick call, if we think we can help them further, we ask them if they’d like to have a longer call with us to come up with a more in depth game plan for them.
On this longer call, if they like what they hear and see, we give them the chance of a lifetime to work with us privately.
Each month we bring in between $50,000 and $100,000 because of this flow.
OK, that’s it for now.
If you found this post helpful, give it a thumbs up 👍 because I'm trying to reach Level 8 and become a Wizard 🧙.
Lots of love,
If you want private, 1 on 1 help (completely for free) via Zoom to set up your free Skool community properly and professionally, just shoot me a DM with the word "SKOOL" and we can schedule a Skool Set Up Call together + I'll cover the cost of your first month on Skool ($99) so long as you pinky promise not to cancel after the first month!
Just shoot me a DM with the word SKOOL and we can go from there.
Ted Carr
Top 3 Mistakes I See Skool Users Make & How to Fix Them
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