How about a lead magnet that actually gets you…leads.

Join my 3-day challenge to attract more ideal customers to your email list (and make them ready to buy from you).


You’ve put this off for far too long.

Most lead magnets are a complete waste of time.

If the content doesn’t align with your business model and LEAD people to your offer, it’s just…more content.

And who time for content that doesn’t move the needle?

Join this challenge…

In 3 day’s time, I’ll walk you step-by-step through building your own lead magnet — that’s actually an asset for your business.


A 3-day email/video course:

DAY ONE: Reverse-engineer your offering

DAY TWO: Choose the optimal lead magnet type

DAY THREE: Give it an irresistible name (and just get it out there!)

Your time-sensitive invitation to join:

This program is only available from April 20th through 22nd.

There will be NO EXCEPTIONS.

The doors to the challenge will CLOSE on April 20th.

(And won’t open again for 2-3 months)


Lead magnets ain’t dead, y’all.

I was taught to make lead magnets that ‘solve a problem’ for people. But I’ve since learned that this guidance is incomplete. (If you want to get leads, at least)

See, no tactic under the sun will drive subscribers and real leads UNLESS you get the big picture correct first.

If you just solve a problem…congratulations, you’ve helped someone with your content.

But if your lead magnet shows off your authority AND it ties in with your offering…well, my friend you’ve got a true ASSET.

In 2023 alone, my clients:

• Closed 4-figure deals

• Sold hundreds of products

• Gained hundreds of subscribers

From people who downloaded their lead magnets!

Trust me, these things still work (if you do them right).

So I’d like to invite you to join me April 20-22 in this 3 Day Challenge.

It’s totally free, and it will 100% help you create real value for your business.

See you inside :)


Last chance to get in before April 20th