Turn Your Testimony Into Song—Even If You Don't Have A Degree In Music!

Get Your FREE 24-Page Tablet of Commandments...

Discover 10 simple—yet potent—secrets you can use to write powerful, testimony-legacy Sacrament Meeting music.

Inside this FREE 24-page tablet of Commandments, you'll unlock many of Dr. Doug's favorite secrets to writing music that gets down into people's hearts.

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    Hi, I’m Doug!

    I’m a recovering university professor of music. My musical world changed forever when a humble Catholic priest said to me, “your music helped me to pray.”

    From that moment on, I’ve known that the Lord has given me a mission—to set the scriptures to the highest quality music I can… and to bring as many like-minded people along with me as possible.

    That’s where YOU come in. The Latter-Day Musiversity is my vehicle to do anything and everything I can to help you on your quest to turn your testimony into powerful, heart-stirring music.

    Keep reading to discover some of the ways I can serve you…

    Compose Your First (Or Next) Primary Song In Just 8 Short Weeks!

    Discover how to compose your own song lyrics, melody, harmony, and simplified piano part. Walk in with a blank page, walk out with a completed, original, beautiful Primary Song.

    You can enroll in a LIVE 8-week Workshop and work personally with Dr. Doug during the Winter, Summer, or Fall semesters.

    To put your name down on the next waiting list so you won’t miss this unique opportunity, simply click the button below.

    What Latter-Day Musiversity Students Are Saying…

    How To Jam-Pack Your Music With Spirit-Drenched Testimony “Feels”!

    All Inside the Musiversity Monthly Membership



    Your “Netflix” of Harmony Courses, Prepared Especially for Writers of Sacrament Meeting Music.

    Get a complete library of theory and harmony classes with tutorials, examples, assignments, and answer keys so you can learn the persuasive art of emotional music harmony. You’ll also receive new harmony trainings each and every month so you can keep your craft sharp and effective.

    Join One of Our Live Workshops

    We offer live composing, harmony, and other workshops 3 times a year—Fall, Winter, and Summer semesters.

    What others are say about Dr. Douglas Pew…

    Discover 10 Simple Secrets To Writing Testimony-Legacy Sacrament Meeting Music.

    Use this form below to get Dr. Douglas Pew’s daily email tips & a FREE 24-page report, “The 10 Commandments of Writing Powerful LDS ‘Warm Fuzzy’ Music.”

    These secrets are designed to bring you quickly up to speed in the “Dr. Doug Ways” of writing powerful Sacrament Meeting music, including…

    1. Which chord connections you should never use if you want your music to resonate with your congregation—except when used in one specific situation.

    2. The most dangerous note in every major and minor key—which can either increase the emotional potency of your music or make it limp and lacking in stick power.

    3. The double-edged sword of creativity many arrangers and Primary Songwriters forget to acknowledge—sadly for them, this neglect sacrifices otherwise special musical testimony moments.

    4. How to righteously “steal” to make your music more masterfully crafted and avoid the sin of composer covetousness—this is the exact equation I’ve used over and over to win composition awards and win publishing contracts.

    5. The “cover your tracks” method for breaking the right rules at the right time—making your music sound unlikely yours, voicing your personal testimony.

    6. Simple little “extra” notes that don’t belong to any chord—but they embellish your music with flavorful lyricism any writer at any level of experience can master.

    7. The “horizon” secret to avoiding the stodgy style of writing many modern pieces of Church music suffer from—this helps you create musical phrases that lead the ear of your congregation forward with ease and inevitability.

    8. Which of the 3 musical governments trumps even the BEST harmonies every single time—better still, even complete beginners can master this quickly.

    9. How to keep your congregation's wrapped attention until the bitter end—keeping them hanging on your every note until the last chord-change in each piece you write.

    10. The “senior companion” secret every successful writer of Church music used—and which will work wonders for you.

    Enter your name and best email address to get your FREE 24-page report, “The 10 Commandments of Writing Powerful LDS ‘Warm Fuzzy’ Music,” plus daily email tips to help give you ongoing support

    Turn Your Testimony Into Song—Even If You Don't Have A Degree In Music!

    Get Your FREE 24-Page Tablet of Commandments...

    Discover 10 simple—yet potent—secrets you can use to write powerful, testimony-legacy Sacrament Meeting music.

    Inside this FREE 24-page tablet of Commandments, you'll unlock many of Dr. Doug's favorite secrets to writing music that gets down into people's hearts.

      We won't send you spam. Unsubscribe at any time.

      Want Some Free Tips To Help You Write Powerful LDS Church Music?

      Join Me On YouTube for Lots of FREE Writing Secrets from the
      Hymnal, Children’s Songbook, and Music of My Own Students