5 Ways You Can Donate Even When You’re Broke

Don’t allow a lack of funds to quash your generous nature. Consider these five ways to help others regardless of your financial status.
by Cristin Frank
Ways You Can Donate Even When You're Broke photo

It may seem that whenever you turn around, someone is asking for a donation, especially around this time of year. Bells are jingling, charities are calling, and solicitations are coming in the mail.

But before you drain your budget on your favorite causes or guilty obligations, consider other options for donating that actually bring a positive result for you as well as those you are helping.

1. Donate Your Talents

We all have unique talents that can be put to work helping others. By donating your talents, you can do something you love and share it with the community.

Crafty talents like woodworking and sewing can be put to good use creating and fixing things for local charities. Got a knack for words? Writing grant letters or fundraising brochures can reap big rewards for those in need without costing you a thing. Other charitable talents are baking, graphic design, photography, and tutoring.

There is a benefit for you, too. When you are doing something you love, it relieves stress and creates positive emotions that improve your overall health.

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2. Lend Large Items

You don’t have to give away what you have to be generous. When it comes to personal assets, it’s not all about cash in the bank. Personal property can be shared and borrowed.

Think about large items you have, like your home, land, truck, or trailer. Could your backyard host a charitable gala? Could you lend your vehicle for transporting and delivering goods? Everything from a lakefront cottage to an industrial popcorn machine can be lent out, creating profits or savings for charitable events and auctions.

3. Give Blood

Did you know you can save up to three lives each time you donate blood? Very few donations can have such an impact on the life of someone else. It’s a donation that does not cost anything but an hour of your time.

The other personal plus is your blood will be screened for diseases every time you donate (every eight weeks).

4. Donate Unwanted Goods

We all know that one man’s clutter is another man’s need or something like that.

But seriously, the old computer taking up your closet space could be put to good use at an area non-profit. Or the DVDs your kids no longer watch could stop collecting dust and be enjoyed by group homes and community centers.

Look around at what’s hogging space in your house, like unused equipment, clothes, electronics, or furniture. You benefit from regaining storage space in your house while schools and other non-profits get useful tools and supplies.

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5. Coordinate Collections

Many organizations offer opportunities for individuals to volunteer their time as project coordinators who solicit and gather donations. Now, you’re on the other side of the donating equation. So instead of you squeezing out a small amount of money or donating a few supplies, be the one who spearheads a campaign to collect from others.

This type of volunteer opportunity is optimal for those with significant social networks who can spread the word to multiply efforts and exponentially increase donations.

Reviewed May 2024

About the Author

Cristin Frank is a lifestyle blogger and author of Living Simple, Free & Happy: How to Simplify, Declutter Your Home, and Reduce Stress, Debt & Waste. Cristin’s mindset is always on saving money by using your talents to reduce consumption, stress and maintenance in life.

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