🎁 A Gift from Nano Flips and James Camp          Behind the scenes access with Colin Landforce and Oren Schauble : Managing and delegating tasks across multiple businesses
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What do you do for living? *
Your average income per month? (Currency is stated in USD) *
Do you own online business now? *

If YES, please describe the business and where its at currently

What other side hustle activities have you tried? What results did you achieve?
What did you like/dislike during your training/mentorship with me and my team?

How much capital did you use to start or buy your online business?

What results did you achieve in 12 months?
What is your current financial goal? *
How would your life change if you reach your goal? *
What could prevent you from reaching it? *
Would you be willing to participate in a 30 minute call with a member of my team to better understand our clients and to help them more?
If you answered "YES" to the question before, what is the best way to get in touch with you? *Please leave your Telegram account/Instagram account/Whatsapp/or Phone number *
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