The Wise Women’s Council

A private leadership mastermind for CEOs, leaders, and business women who are also moms.

Leadership development and sage business wisdom that’s compatible with the fullness of life.  Apply to join our next cohort.


    OCT 3rd


    OCT 18th


    NOV 7th

    The Wise Women’s Council


    Our members are founders, business owners, investors, leaders, and entrepreneurs—who are also parents & caretakers. We meet together every Thursday at 1pm Eastern.

    • This is a year-long leadership incubator filled with kind, brilliant community members who understand what you’re going through. We select a small group of women leaders to work with each year, creating a space for you to level up and grow, and to shift the way you work, and to gain more clarity, insight, and ease.
    • The people who apply to join are business owners, bootstrappers, founders, solo-preneurs, authors, freelancers, and investors. The majority of our members are founders. About a third of our members are intra-preneurs and business leaders operating within companies and teams who find the business resources and community a strong match for their careers.
    • You’ll be thoughtfully paired with people in a small-group to spend time together with during the year ahead. The groups are typically around six to nine people, and designed with your skillsets, expertise, and industries in mind so that you will have people to lean on and learn from.
    • Each month, we explore one core leadership concept together, drawing from real-life experiences and challenges you’re facing. Throughout the year, we take you through our Wise Leadership Philosophy, an approach that allows for the fullness and messiness of life across all areasThe practice of wise leadership is about creating space for all of who you are.
    • We meet once a week for 90 minutes. A ninety minute session length allows for conversational depth that doesn’t happen in the default time of 60 minutes.
    • You must commit to attending 75% of the calls. We understand that life events happen, and they happen a lot for parents, and we also expect you to attend the majority of our sessions. These are not lectures—these are conversational, connection-based calls for you to share, discuss, and explore. Our calls are also designed for accessibility: we have live notes, summaries and recaps, and transcripts for when you might miss something.
    • We record the calls for playback, create a one-pager of notes, and share transcripts post-call so you can review materials quickly and easily. The design and rhythm of this program are specifically tailored to the lives of modern working parents and caretakers.
    • Pricing is all listed right here on the website. We’ve worked very hard to keep this program magical, intimate and reasonably priced. Many mastermind programs are priced at $10k-$20k or more. The year-long program is $6,000. If you’d like to know the payment plan options, click here to learn more about the options.

    The Wise Women’s Council


    Our members are founders, business owners, investors, leaders, and entrepreneurs—who are also parents & caretakers. We meet together every Thursday at 1pm Eastern.

    This is a year-long leadership incubator filled with kind, brilliant community members who understand what you’re going through. We select a small group of women leaders to work with each year, creating a space for you to level up and grow, and to shift the way you work, and to gain more clarity, insight, and ease.

    The people who apply to join are business owners, bootstrappers, founders, solo-preneurs, authors, freelancers, and investors. The majority of our members are founders. About a third of our members are intra-preneurs and business leaders operating within companies and teams who find the business resources and community a strong match for their careers.

    You’ll be thoughtfully paired with people in a small-group to spend time together with during the year ahead. The groups are typically around six to nine people, and designed with your skillsets, expertise, and industries in mind so that you will have people to lean on and learn from.

    Each month, we explore one core leadership concept together, drawing from real-life experiences and challenges you’re facing. Throughout the year, we take you through our Wise Leadership Philosophy, an approach that allows for the fullness and messiness of life across all areasThe practice of wise leadership is about creating space for all of who you are.

    We meet once a week for 90 minutes. A ninety minute session length allows for conversational depth that doesn’t happen in the default time of 60 minutes.

    You must commit to attending 75% of the calls. We understand that life events happen, and they happen a lot for parents, and we also expect you to attend the majority of our sessions. These are not lectures—these are conversational, connection-based calls for you to share, discuss, and explore. Our calls are also designed for accessibility: we have live notes, summaries and recaps, and transcripts for when you might miss something.

    We record the calls for playback, create a one-pager of notes, and share transcripts post-call so you can review materials quickly and easily. The design and rhythm of this program are specifically tailored to the lives of modern working parents and caretakers.

    Pricing is all listed right here on the website. We’ve worked very hard to keep this program magical, intimate and reasonably priced. Many mastermind programs are priced at $10k-$20k or more. The year-long program is $6,000. If you’d like to know the payment plan options, click here to learn more about the options.

    We open twice a year for new members. We welcome new members by application only.

    Click here to submit an application to join the next cohort.

    If you want to live a more connected, rested, and intentionally-designed life, you’re invited to join us.

    We believe that leadership is about grounded wisdom, resourcing yourself with wise community, and built upon your deepest inner knowing. I’ll explain more about how we do all of this—and what happens when you join—down below.


    - Sarah Peck
    CEO & Founder 
    Startup Parent


    Enter your email address, below, to be taken to the application.

      What PEOPLE have said about WWC


      Alexis Grant, Founder of They Got Acquired

      Alexis is a media entrepreneur who helps grow companies, teams, people, and profit. She helped grow The Penny Hoarder from a small team to 100 people, and now she’s building They Got Acquired. She joined us for four years and is now a proud WWC alumni.

      “I joined WWC because I wanted to connect with other women who were juggling both career and family in a supportive space. I loved the support we all provided each other through career and personal decisions and transitions. Being in the company of these women constantly reminded me that all the sometimes-conflicting feelings I have about family, business and life are normal, and that other women are working through a lot of the same challenges.

      It can be really lonely struggling to balance career and family, especially as a new parent. This group added the layer of support I was craving.”

      Alicia Jabbar, Women’s Leadership Coach

      Alicia Jabbar CPCC, PCC is an executive leadership coach who partners with individuals that sit on the outside of what is known, valued, or understood in the places they live and work. She joined us for two years and is now a proud WWC alumni.

      “I am closing out the year with so much gratitude for learning through and with each person here in WWC—around how to be the full complex human, mother, and business owner that I am.

      Prior to joining this group I knew almost no female entrepreneurs with kids and I am leaving with inspiration and freedom to find my own way into my new role as a mother.”


      Pavla Loka, Storyteller

      Pavla helps people get greater recognition & success through telling real stories and writing books. Pavla joined us in 2020 as a new mom to twins, and joined us again in 2021 and 2022. She recently welcomed a new baby and is now part of our WWC storytelling team at Startup Parent.

      “My experience has been transformational, especially on the inside. I was in The Wise Women’s Council in 2020 during the pandemic, with twin babies and zero childcare. While I didn’t “double my revenue,” the first year, I did address my business foundations, I started using my voice, I pitched and got featured, and I still managed my writing business. Most importantly, I gained tools and community far beyond business building, which is priceless.”


      Lee Price, Founder, View Finder Partners

      Lee Price is the founder of Viewfinder Partners, a thought leadership consulting and ghostwriting firm that partners with B2B leaders to clarify their big ideas, find their voice, and write content that converts.

      WWC is an incredible blessing. It was a gift I didn’t know I needed. I found companionship, friendship, business support, cheerleaders, and new ideas. WWC helped me find new inspiration I have applied to my work and my personal relationships, including my relationship with myself.

      — Lee Price, thought leadership consultant


      The Program & Structure

      A weekly gathering space for founders, leaders, and business thinkers.
      We meet Thursdays at 1PM Eastern. Calls are 90 minutes.

      The Program & Structure

      A weekly gathering space for founders, leaders, and business thinkers.

      We meet Thursdays
      10AM Pacific / 1PM Eastern.
      Calls are 90 minutes.


      All calls are on Thursdays at 10AM Pacific / 1PM Eastern.

      WEEK 1


      Start your month off with a full heart by joining our monthly call. The first week every month, we gather together to share insights and stories from our lives. These aren’t teaching calls as much as they are connection calls—so you get to talk, share, and go deeper with other people.

      You’ll meet with other people in the community in real time. We’ll pause, breathe, and come together. These are tightly facilitated, vulnerable, important conversations with plenty of time to connect with other women and share where you are on the journey.

      “This is one of the most magical communities I’ve ever been a part of.”

      WEEK 2


      The second week every month, one of our executive coaches leads a drop-in hot-seat session for people to get support. Our leadership and business coaching sessions are here to provide clarity, support, and guidance.

      These are available to everyone in the community, and we use breakout rooms and peer structures to support everyone who shows up.

      Each month, we send a query for members to submit challenges, and we spotlight coaching sessions in a round-table session. Use these as needed, or join us to support other leaders in business.

      “My mind is already blown and we’re only 7 minutes in.”

      WEEK 3


      When you join, we carefully match you with a small group of business peers in a similar stage of business and leadership to you. The third week of the month is dedicated to your small group—with guidance by our coaches and custom processes.

      These groups are the place we go deep: we have real, brave, human conversations at the intersection of life and work, with other people who are going through it alongside you. You’ll have the monthly anchor to check-in, plus a private audio chat room for your group as well.

      “I NEVER KNEW THERE WERE All of the possibilities FOR MY career at 40 and 50!”

      WEEK 4


      Sometimes it’s better to get your work done next to someone. The last week of every month, two of our members host an optional drop-in coworking session.

      Show up, commit to the big work for 90 minutes, and ship your MVP. We save five minutes at the top of the hour to check-in on your work, and a few minutes at the end to share wins.

      “I can’t believe how much more I got done by co-working with you all today!”

      The Wise Women’s Council is for people who are creative, daring, and kind. Together, we’re building new ways to work, lead, and parent.

      We only open for new members a few times per year.

      “I honestly don’t know who I would be without the Wise Women’s Council. I don’t know how you led us through this in a pandemic, but it was everything I needed and more.”

      — MaryKate, Senior Transportation & Engineering Consultant

      I couldn’t have imagined a more supportive community that helped me not just survive, but at times thrive, during a pandemic when I was working in an executive full-time role and parenting a young child.

      I knew going into 2021 that it would be a hard year to establish new friendships in person, so I thought that it would be a great opportunity to meet new people online in a similar stage of life to me.

      What I didn’t expect was just how expansive WWC was for me. The people I met, what I learned both about myself and the world – it truly expanded what I thought was possible about working parenthood.

      — Jessica Wan, Executive Leader

      There is no way to describe what it feels like to be validated across all areas of life. So much of being a woman (and more so, a mom) makes one feel invisible. In this space I felt seen and heard by really smart, funny, and fearless parents.

      — Stefanie M. Falconi, Policy Entrepreneur


      Enter your email address, below, to be taken to the application.

        the future of work needs new vision and more life.

        It’s time to stop pretending to work like we don’t have big lives. Our future of work needs a new vision. The leaders of today and tomorrow have kids, families, and communities they are a part of. That’s why we’re here.

        We bring leaders together to imagine, shift, and change the way we show up — whether that’s at home, with our teams, or in our communities.


        That’s why our members are actively pioneering new models of work, play, & life.

        But it’s harder to invent the future when you’re doing it alone. In the Wise Women’s Council, we share ideas, run experiments, and encourage each other to do new things. It’s a fast-track to shifting your habits, your life, and your joy. Because we can’t keep doing things the way they’ve always been done and expect to get different results.


        These are just a few of the ways that the modern world of work is poorly designed for community, family, and well-being:

        ❌  The world of work wasn’t designed with working parents or caregivers in mind at all—it is based on a one-earner family, which is no longer applicable in the modern world. Many families have one-parent households, or two-income households, or entrepreneurial leaders that need more flexibility, agility, and grace.

        ❌  Yet work and parenting are still often pitted against each other, and the pressure doesn’t ease as you climb the ladder. Often, the higher people go in the ranks of their careers, the more isolated they can feel.

        ❌  Senior level leaders are often the most impacted by caregiving challenges, with managers and senior men dropping out of the workplace at some of the highest rates. (Source: The Caregiving Crisis, Harvard Business Review).

        ❌  Advice to push harder, lean in, get better systems, and delegate won’t solve a broken system. It’s deeper than delegation. But the work and exhaustion never stops.

        ❌  Being a working parent is a tremendous challenge, leaving women exhausted, frustrated, spent, angry, and isolated. More than 30% of moms leave the workforce after they have kids, even though they don’t want to, due to a lack of flexibility, understanding, and support.

        Yet most women, parents, and caregivers want to keep working, and they want to pursue their dreams and ambitions. But it is going to take a radically different approach. A different pace, with more flexibility, with kindness and generosity, and surrounded by people who understand what you’re going through.

        That’s why we believe, teach, and practice different ways of living, being, and working in the Wise Women’s Council.


        WE BUILD FROM:

        🌿 1.

        We don’t have to do things the way they’ve always been done.

        Building a business, being a working parent, and navigating this new world of work as a parent or leader is hard.

        If hustle culture is burning you out and you feel hundreds of miles away from your feelings and your dreams, then the current models of leadership aren’t working.

        We won’t get through it doing the same things the same way they’ve always been done. In fact, that’s one of our mottos: We don’t have to do things the way they’ve always been done.

        🌿 2.

        You were never meant to go it alone.

        Here in the Wise Women’s Council are people who will get you, and people who are redesigning the world of work and parenting alongside you.

        Instead of trying to figure out your next steps on your own, you need to be in a network of kind-hearted, driven, brave women who are sharing knowledge and ideas. This is the advisory board and leadership circle you need to support you as you navigate your life.

        🌿 3.

        Parenting and work do not need to be at odds.

        We believe that parenting shouldn’t be at odds with work—and the insights from your parenting journey propels you as a leader that this world needs.

        It’s okay to rest, to go slower, and to make space for family. You don’t have to give up a career to have kids. You might have to re-invent it, however.

        Because it’s up to us to figure out the new world of work, the path forward in parenting, and to build the world we want to live in.

        🌿 4.

        Motherhood is an incredible time of growth and development.

        We believe that motherhood and parenting are incredible assets in your growth and development. The skills you gain have the potential to transform your leadership ability and give you unparalleled gifts that the executive suites and board rooms need more of. But the current world of work largely ignores these very real puzzles, and as a result, our leadership capacities are stifled.

        🌿 5.

        Parenting and work can fit together when we edit and update the design of our lives.

        We believe that parenting shouldn’t be at odds with work—and the insights from your parenting journey propels you as a leader that this world needs.

        We’ve put together this incubator to help women grow as leaders— supporting you with coaching, a stand-out community, business breakout sessions, and expert guidance in the way of our group advisory board.

        🌿 6.

        Radical change happens when we get to show up as our full selves.

        We need to show up as our full selves—complete with partnership challenges, marriage struggles, parenting snafus, fertility disappointments, and more—in order to continue to grow in our full leadership potential. Come be seen, heard, supported, and understood.

        “WWC is an incredible blessing. It was a gift I didn’t know I needed. I found companionship, friendship, business support, cheerleaders, and new ideas.”

        Lee Price, founder of View Finder Parters & thought leadership consultant.

        I loved everything about the program. The women who joined me were inspiring, thoughtful, emotionally intelligent, and eager to be in community. That alone made every forum for interacting worth my time and focus. SKP is brilliant at holding space, providing sparks for connections, and letting go of any attachment of a plan in service of meeting the group where they are and what they are needing.

        — Alicia Jabbar

        Being with Sarah in a mastermind is a totally life-changing experience. She has a knack for listening in a really powerful way. But here’s the thing: having my turn to speak in the hot seat is always life-changing. What was more surprising and powerful was how much I got out of being there for other people. Sarah models how to listen, how to ask insightful questions, and how to create space for other people to be honest, to be real, to be growing-in-process. Through her guidance, I became a more active listener and connected more deeply to other people’s stories. That was the game changer: being a powerful listener is the substance of true, life-long connections.

        — Kinzie Ferguson, Owner, The Empowerment Photographer


        Enter your email address, below, to be taken to the application.

          Guest Teachers & Business Speakers

          Every year I invite guest teachers—experts in our themes, and brilliant minds thinking about business, growth, marketing, feminism, and more—to join us and share their wisdom in a private session for this mastermind. Here’s a sampling of some of the teachers that have joined us over the past few years. We curate guest teachers and business experts specifically for the council ahead — as we learn more about you and your growth edge, we’ll invite select teachers in to support you in your business and leadership work.



          Jordan Maney is not okay with being silenced or invisible—something that happens for too often for BIPOC folx, for fat bodies, and for women. She speaks out about the radical act of claiming your rest and joy, and helps people de-program from the programming of white supremacy and patriarchy.

          Renee St Jacques


          Michelle is a decision engineer who helps executives and leaders make better decisions. Her process of expanding your options and understanding your aims will help you see new possibilities and make even better decisions, especially when the stakes are high.


          Dacy is the founder of Mindful Closet, and a personal stylist who teaches about more than just clothes: she helps you feel good in the body you have, and find ways to express yourself in a way that feels good to you. She helps us unpack the loaded mindsets women are expected to adopt, and how to rethink what it means to feel good as who you are.


          Michelle Warner has built million-dollar startups and now consults to help people build sustainable businesses that last. A repeat teacher in WWC, she helps you focus on exactly what stage your business is in so you can do the right things in the right order.


          Nicole Walters is a former top-selling corporate exec who quit her six-figure sales job and built a million-dollar business in one short year. She knows entrepreneurship, scale, and how to build a rich life.

          Renee St Jacques


          What is EQ and how does it differ from IQ? Speaker, psychologist, and executive coach Dr. St Jacques teaches highly driven executives how to tap into emotional intelligence skills and become great leaders.


          Parijat joins us to talk about structure, daily life, and leaning into what life has for you when it goes completely different than what you expect. She’s the author of Pregnancy Brain, a book about the mind-body connection.


          Ashley is an author, entrepreneur, and feminist who is on a mission to end inequality through financial well-being. She is the founder of the Fiscal Femme and author of The 30-Day Money Cleanse.


          Laura Roeder has bootstrapped multiple major businesses. She joins us to talk about scaling your business, growing it in a way that works with parenthood, and developing into a company leader.



          Psychotherapist Rachel Wright is recognized as one of the freshest voices on modern relationships and sex. She is an experienced speaker, group facilitator, educator, therapist, coach, and on-camera mental health, sex, and relationship expert.


          Margo Aaron began her career as a psychological researcher and stumbled into a problem: how do you get people to care, and take actions to do the things that help them get better? That’s when she accidentally ended up in marketing, persuasion, and copywriting.


          Adam is a millennial workplace expert, keynote speaker, and bestselling author of The Quarter-Life Breakthrough  and The Breakthrough Speaker. His third book, Friendship in the Age of Loneliness, will be published by Hachette in 2021.


          Nailah Blades Wylie is a Life & Leadership Coach who helps women tap into their power and build lives that are whole, good, and full of possibility. She started Color Outside as a safe place for women of color to come together and explore the outdoors.



          Amber Anderson is also a creative, a strategist and co-founder of Tote + Pears, the agency that designs and markets products, services and experiences for women and their families. Amber helps businesses and brands connect with women authentically by highlighting the multidimensional experiences that shape their identities.


          Anna is a messaging coach for freelancers, consultants, and other solo entrepreneurs. Part business coach and part writing coach, she helps people become more articulate, confident, and purposeful in communicating about their work so they can attract better clients.


          Chela Davison is an Integral Master CoachTM teacher, writer and speaker. She works with those making change and seeking change: renowned authors, entrepreneurs, coaches and leaders in the field of human development.


          We believe that parenting shouldn’t be at odds with work. Instead, the opposite is true: parenting is an incredible time of transformation, and the insights from your parenting journey should fuel your growth and transformation as a leader.

          OUR VISION

          The Wise Leadership Philosophy

          Leadership growth happens when you have the space to show up as your full self.

          The Wise Women’s Council is where you can show up fully in front of mentors and peers across all areas of your life—with all of your ambitions, desires, and professional dreams. With the mess at home, or the stress at work, or the inner doubts. With the callings that still ache inside of you.

          Because we’ve been there and we’re also going through it.

          What we’ve found in running this program for eight years is that this one-of-a-kind community becomes an incubator for your personal and professional growth.

          The structure—a weekly cadence of live calls and hands-on discovery—is focused on creating critical space for your own integration and exploration. This is a sacred place to let your full self show up. It’s place to develop, test, and refine your leadership skills. In doing so, you’ll expand your leadership capacity.


          Here’s what we focus on in our leadership framework:

          Our leadership framework is not a linear process—we don’t go from Point A to Point B. It’s a cycle, and we return to these topics year over year, building our knowledge and wisdom. New folks can join the program and build their toolkit right away. Returning members increase their depth and wisdom for as long as they’d like to stay.

          Here’s a high level of our core leadership concepts:

          INNER WISDOM. Tapping into, building, and strengthening your ability to lean on a resourced, grounded inner knowing.

          LEADERSHIP FOR TODAY. Leaning into the key skills of imagination, play, vision, and values to create your framework to meet what is needed from today’s leaders. Whatever comes our way—new technologies, AI, social media, cancel culture, climate change, natural disasters — we need people willing to expand their leadership capacity in order to fully explore what’s possible, and shape new visions for the future.

          WHOLE LIFE LEADERSHIP. The era of the office nine-to-five is over. We can’t box up our lives and put them neatly at home and pretend that we can have it all on the work front—not at the expense of ignoring our bodies, communities, friendships, and families.

          WISE LEADERSHIP. We believe that true wisdom comes from the intersection of grounded, resourced inner knowing AND a foundation of kind, courageous peers to be in community with.



          Our tightly facilitated calls and small group spaces create layered conversations that build over time, prioritizing depth, intimacy and true connection.

          Our programs are designed based on the principles of connection, trust, and depth. We use science-based research on friendship, connection, and growth to create an experience unlike others out there.



          This is not the beginner table (although in business, it can often feel like you’re a beginner).

          People join us when they’ve hit a ceiling or a plateau—you’ve been a product manager, you’ve worked in tech, you’ve been a high-level leader at your company before. Now you’re staking your claim as a founder, as an executive, or you’re running several teams.




          No gurus, no formulas. Show up successful, show up messy. Be real.

          In this council, we ask that you don’t leave parts of yourself behind. There are too many boundaries and edges in how people are supposed to “perform,” and we need to strip back those layers to find who we really are, and lead from there.



          Confidential and candid space to talk with our clear guidelines and small-group formats.

          We prioritize intimacy and personalization over “networking” and “maximizing value.” You’ll be put in a small group with people at your level.



          Each leader’s journey is unique and requires customization, experimentation, and personalization.

          No cookie-cutter formulas or one-size fits all. No gurus. The world of business changes too fast for that. We bring integrity, science and rigor, and tested frameworks to explore for your specific situations.



          Our tightly facilitated calls and small group spaces create layered conversations that build over time, prioritizing depth, intimacy and true connection.

          Our programs are designed based on the principles of connection, trust, and depth. We use science-based research on friendship, connection, and growth to create an experience unlike others out there.



          This is not the beginner table (although in business, it can often feel like you’re a beginner).

          People join us when they’ve hit a ceiling or a plateau—you’ve been a product manager, you’ve worked in tech, you’ve been a high-level leader at your company before. Now you’re staking your claim as a founder, as an executive, or you’re running several teams.



          No gurus, no formulas. Show up successful, show up messy. Be real.

          In this council, we ask that you don’t leave parts of yourself behind. There are too many boundaries and edges in how people are supposed to “perform,” and we need to strip back those layers to find who we really are, and lead from there.



          Confidential and candid space to talk with our clear guidelines and small-group formats.

          We prioritize intimacy and personalization over “networking” and “maximizing value.” You’ll be put in a small group with people at your level.



          Each leader’s journey is unique and requires customization, experimentation, and personalization.

          No cookie-cutter formulas or one-size fits all. No gurus. The world of business changes too fast for that. We bring integrity, science and rigor, and tested frameworks to explore for your specific situations.

          “I feel so proud of everyone — not only for what we’ve achieved this year, but for being vulnerable in discussions that helped us grow.”

          — Lexi Grant, Media Entrepreneur & Founder of They Got Acquired


          How our alumni describe the program.

          WWC was the group I didn’t know I needed. And as big as the surprise was, the more I got from it. I didn’t quite understand what the program was about, but decided to go with my intuition.

          I’ve learned, connected, felt close to, cried, shared stories that I’ve never thought others would care about, asked for advise, laughed, dug deep (and then even deeper), challenged by my own perspectives of things and — had the privilege to hear from so many inspiring women. Sarah, you are creating something so magical here, which is why I suppose it’s so hard to understand what the WWC is all about.

          — Liron T.

          WWC has been such a rich experience for me—deep, juicy, layered, textured, expansive, and affirming. Juxtaposed against the backdrop of a grueling second pandemic year, the contrast could not be more stark.

          WWC was a haven and a respite and a source of energy, strength, creativity, courage, and community when I needed all of those things perhaps more than ever before. Two of the biggest lessons I will take away from this experience are the power of being part of an intentional community and the power of reflecting on one’s own story, experiences, beliefs, habits, and values.

          Sarah K Peck, you have done a brilliant job of curating this group in every way, from convening this specific assemblage of beautifully human humans to shaping the experience with thought, care, and no shortage of magic all the way through.

          — Jody R. K.

          WWC has been such a rich experience for me—deep, juicy, layered, textured, expansive, and affirming. Juxtaposed against the backdrop of a grueling second pandemic year, the contrast could not be more stark. WWC was a haven and a respite and a source of energy, strength, creativity, courage, and community when I needed all of those things perhaps more than ever before.

          — Caroline O.

          I am closing out the year with so much gratitude for learning through and with each of you how to be the full complex human, mother, and business owner that I am. Prior to joining this group I knew almost no female entrepreneurs with kids and I am leaving with inspiration and freedom to find my own way into my new role as a mother.

          — Alicia J.

          This was the best investment into myself this year. This group has helped me grow, sometimes just by being a non-judgmental sounding board where I could pour in my ideas, my progress, my struggles. Knowing that there are other women out there who can relate, who understand, and who who can roll their eyes out loud with, that has been transformational.

          — Valentina T.


          OCT 3rd


          OCT 18th


          NOV 7th

          More from Alumni:

          Testimonials and experiences from previous alumni, including a few notes from mastermind participants who were in the earliest group program iterations before this officially became the Wise Women’s Council.

          WWC is a community of women who are doing interesting work, raising kids, and supporting each other. If you’re working solo, working from home, or just want to build a new community of supportive peers, WWC is an incredible blessing. It was a gift I didn’t know I needed. I found companionship, friendship, business support, cheerleaders, and new ideas. WWC helped me find new inspiration I have applied to my work and my personal relationships, including my relationship with myself.

          — Lee Price, thought leadership consultant

          LOVED connecting with other women, especially async when possible. It made me feel seen and less alone. I am a Voxer lover now too 🙂

          — Jessica B, Entrepreneur

          My experience has been transformational, especially on the inside. I was in The Wise Women’s Council in 2020 during the pandemic, with twin babies and zero childcare. While I didn’t “double my revenue,” I did address my business foundations, I started using my voice, I pitched and got featured, and I still managed my writing business. Most importantly, I gained tools and community far beyond business building, which is priceless.

          — Pavla Loka, Storyteller, Media Builder

          I loved the call to be generous with our time and talents, and how that was met by each deeply invested participant. I felt as if I had a new circle of supporters, people who I also wanted to help meet their goals and dig into challenges and big ideas. The community, all centered around wanting to do and be even better selves, was incredibly empowering.

          — Jessica Ashley, Founder, Sassafras Media

          I loved having a designated space, time, and community with which to dive deep into the most pressing questions in my personal and professional life. This structure worked really well for me because it provided structured times to pose and answer important questions, an accountability group that inspired me and pushed me to dig deeper, and finally a look into the questions, struggles, and aha moments of other ambitious people! After this mastermind, I have seriously wondered how people function without a similar support network and structure!

          — Michele C, Social Entrepreneur

          The experience of going through the mastermind with you and our crew was incredible. It left me feeling inspired, supported, poised, and empowered to take action to make my dream of running my own business a reality! I learned concrete tools and ideas from you and my peers in the group and felt truly held and heard in all of our interactions. Thank you for creating this space for our group to gather.

          — Gretchen H

          Senior Planner, San Francisco, 2017 Mastermind Member

          I loved the diversity of people who shared the same values of motivation, growth and learning. It totally exceeded my expectations! This is a structured Mastermind with the opportunity to meet other high-quality, motivated people, dig deep into your questions via deep dives and make progress on your goals.

          — Diana Jaunzeikare

          Software Engineer, Google

          Sarah’s ability to connect people is like magic. Once you meet your Mastermind tribe, you’re sure to build relationships that have the potential to last longer than the 3 months you’re together.

          — Shannon Callarman

          Content Director , Red Caffeine Marketing & Technology

          The group of women you put together was great. They made the program.
          — Katie Bronnenkant

          Founder, Simple SaaS Finance, 2018 Wise Women's Council

          Sarah was a thoughtful and committed guide through this process. I found the monthly rhythms and the check-in calls with her to be wildly helpful. Even more so, I found her theme of asking questions to upend all of my thinking about how to make progress on problems. Instead of saying, I need an action plan! Sarah would ask, why do you feel this way? Why do you think you need that? Throughout that process, you could start to get a better grip and handle on what was actually going on in your own mind.

          — Amy Francois

          Senior Content Manager + Credit Strategies, GLG

          APPLY TO JOIN

          Enter your email address, below, to be taken to the application.


            Membership Options & Pricing

            Your membership includes:

            All Group Gathering Calls
            The first week of every month.

            Coaching Drop-In Sessions
            Coaching sessions every month for guided laser coaching and workshopping with your peers and a coach, the second week every month.

            Small Group Mastermind Sessions
            The third week of every month.

            Coworking Sessions
            Member-led sessions to get your work done, held the fourth week of every month.

            Plus, when you join, you’ll get:

            The 1:1 Deep Dive Interviews with every member in the community—described as “one of the best things I never knew I needed—I love LOVE getting to know everyone this way!”

            A private podcast featuring you and your fellow council members so you can get to know everyone while going about your daily life.

            Small group audio chats where you will be matched with peers at your level to check-in on progress and discuss the themes throughout the year. New groups start every six months.

            A private, highly curated member portal to connect and talk with everyone in the community.

            Free Membership to the Founders With Kids community

            Your membership includes:

            • All Group Gathering Calls—the first week of every month.
            • Coaching Drop-In Sessions—coaching sessions every month for guided laser coaching and workshopping with your peers and a coach, the second week every month.
            • Small Group Mastermind Sessions—the third week of every month.
            • Coworking Sessions—member-led sessions to get your work done, held the fourth week of every month.

            Plus, when you join, you’ll get:

            • The 1:1 Deep Dive Interviews with every member in the community—described as “one of the best things I never knew I needed—I love LOVE getting to know everyone this way!”
            • A private podcast featuring you and your fellow council members so you can get to know everyone while going about your daily life.
            • Small group audio chats where you will be matched with peers at your level to check-in on progress and discuss the themes throughout the year. New groups start every six months.
            • A private, highly curated member portal to connect and talk with everyone in the community.
            • Free Membership to the Founders With Kids community

            — THE COUNCIL —


            $475 / month

            A one-time tuition payment of $1,750
            and 12 monthly payments of $475.

            Regular enrollment opens for a few weeks in the Fall and a few weeks in the Spring. Submit your application to join our community. Applications will be reviewed during active enrollment cycles.

            Payment plan: A non-refundable deposit of $1,750 to hold your spot, plus twelve (12) monthly payments of $475.

            Pay-in-full savings: Program tuition is $6,000 for the year long program. Save $1,450 when you pay your tuition fees in full.

            1:1 PRIVATE COACHING


            $1,625 / month*

            Only 6 spaces available.

            This option is for senior leaders and founders looking for dedicated coaching with some of the best coaches in the world. You’ll join the council as a full member, and can upgrade to work 1:1 with an executive coach or a founder coach. Limited spaces available. Available by application only.

            *Monthly pricing depends on the coach’s experience and background, and the number of monthly sessions. It typically ranges from $1,475 to $1,975 per month.

            Contact us at for full coaching details.

            A few important details. Tuition is due in full by the time we begin the program. If you are on the payment plan, your first payment + one-time fee must be received to secure your space in the program.  If you enroll in a payment plan, you are responsible for all payments—your space in non-refundable and non-replaceable.

            Refund policy. As a service-based offering, we do not offer refunds more than two weeks after the program begins. The one-time deposit is non-refundable, and any payments you have made are non-refundable. In the case of emergencies or extenuating circumstances, we will work with people on a case-by-case basis to create space to enroll you in a future session.

            The Wise Women’s Council

            Business & leadership development that works for moms.

            A private entrepreneurship community for women CEOs, founders, and leaders navigating business and motherhood.


            OCT 3rd


            OCT 18th

            WELCOME SESSION &
            COHORT KICKOFF

            NOV 7th

            APPLY TO JOIN

            Enter your email address, below, to be taken to the application.