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How to win at life

When there is something in your life you want to make it happen, how do you do it? No one wins at life alone. Olympic athletes, multimillionaires, and the most successful entrepreneurs all use coaches. Maybe in the past you have tried on your who but been unsuccessful, that’s okay we all need a little support.

 “Everyone needs a coach. That’s how we improve” – Bill Gates

When I awoke from my 5-organ transplant surgery I remember some of the first thoughts I had.  I was so grateful to God that I had survived.  The second thought was the memory of saying goodbye at a busy airport, to my husband and three small children and then flying across the country to the transplant hospital.  There was nothing I wanted more than to be able to walk through a busy airport, board a plane and see my family again.

 Building my endurance was a vital part of my recovery, and it all started with a  Tiny Habit I made “ After the nurse checks my vitals in the morning, I will walk three steps.”  I practiced this new habit every day and it grew.  But I would not have been able to do it alone.

 My nurses, physical therapists were my “coaches”.  In the beginning, when I was very frail and unsteady, my coaches taught me helpful skills to begin walking again and literally taught me how to safely take the very first footsteps on my new journey.  Besides supporting me physically, I was also supported emotionally on the really hard days when obstacles popped up or I lacked belief in myself. 

No one succeeds in life alone. I can teach you powerful tools and strategies to guide you during those difficult moments when you feel stuck or need help conquering fears and limiting beliefs.

As your coach, I will be overcome obstacles that arise and be holding you back. I am here to support you and be your accountability partner helping you to stay on track and eliminate behaviors or habits that can sabotage your desires, hopes, and dreams.

I will help you gain clarity and focus on the “big” picture. Together we will create an action plan with better habits so you can successfully achieve your goals and create the positive changes you desire in life. If you are interested in a FREE “mini” coaching session where you can share more of your story and I can help you with some support and guidance.


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