Want to Start an Online Course? You Need a Transformation Statement

Want to Start an Online Course? You Need a Transformation Statement

Publish Date
May 19, 2022
What is an online course really?
It’s a transformation. You're helping people go from Point A to Point B in a way that’s quicker and easier than if they attempted it on their own.
So, when you think about starting a course, the first thing to figure out is:
What transformation will you provide?
Let’s unpack this step-by-step:
⛳️ Step one is understanding the starting point of your ideal students, their status quo.
  • What are the problems your students are dealing with? (that you want to solve)
  • What are the consequences of not solving them?
  • What's the cost of staying put and doing nothing?
🎯 Step two is looking at the other side of the transformation, the bright future.
  • What can they achieve when they take your course?
  • What are their goals and aspirations?
  • How will their new life look like?
🌉 Step three is combining Point A and Point B into a transformation statement.
Here’s a template:
“I help [name your ideal student] achieve [their goals]. With the help of my course, they’ll overcome / no longer have to deal with [the pain or problems you solve].”
Your transformation statement should make it crystal clear what’s in it for them.
Now, start selling the transformation! When your ideal students fully buy into the transformation, they’ll be more open to purchasing your course as the vehicle that provides it.