Building a SaaS used by Netflix, Product Hunt, and Zapier teams.

Hey Indie Hackers!

Every week, I send a marketing Case Study from a profitable Indie Founder.

Today I want to share with you the recent issue with Sandra, who will reveal the secrets behind Klu.so growth:

January 2023 — 10 users (private beta).
June 2023 — 2000 users (including Netflix, Product Hunt, Zapier, Gojek, and Dropbox teams).

Explain your product to an 11-year-old

Klu.so is the embodiment of the type of innovation I firmly advocate. It simplifies the complex landscape of information, empowering users to access knowledge efficiently.

By leveraging Klu, users can find the information they need, focusing on what truly matters to them. Klu's ambition is to redefine how we interact with internal data. It strives to unlock new possibilities and pave the way for companies to build workflows around their internal data.

Who’s your ideal customer, and how do you acquire them?

I want to share one key point with everyone reading this: identifying your ideal customer can be really challenging at the beginning of your journey.

Initially, you'll likely construct your ideal customer profile based on assumptions, and that's perfectly okay.

As you progress and gather data about the usage of the platform you're building, you'll gradually get a clearer picture of who your potential ideal customers could be, backed by evidence and not just assumptions.
Back to Klu. In the early stages, our ideal customer was primarily a tech-savvy product manager in SMEs. Now, as we've “grown” and evolved, we've begun to extend our focus to other personas as well.

With our latest updates, we're now also catering to customer support teams, marketing departments, and developers. These teams often grapple with the same challenge: efficiently managing and utilizing the wealth of internal data.

To reach these personas, we've diversified our acquisition strategies. We continue our engagement on Product Hunt and Twitter, but I plan to expand our content marketing to include topics pertinent to these teams.

Share your core metrics

I also want to add one more thing before diving into metrics.

At Klu, we track many metrics, primarily focusing on feature-focused ones. However, the two most important ones are revenue and user growth, along with retention.

Of course, all of them are interconnected and influence each other, but to make the most of them, I tend to break them down and treat them as separate pieces, approaching each one differently.
In January, Klu took its first steps with a private beta. We had the backing of 10 companies who saw the potential in our product and purchased our MVP on an annual basis. By the end of March, the user base had grown to around 200. Then, the game changed. We launched a public beta and witnessed an explosive surge in user numbers.

By June, we reached a significant milestone: 2000 users. Calculating the numbers, this translates to an impressive 900% growth. Now, to keep things realistic, we must acknowledge that transitioning from a private to a public beta naturally inflates this growth percentage. However, even considering this, our growth has been substantial and worth noting.

This is a testament to a robust demand for Klu and our ability to attract and engage users. And here's the kicker: we now have users from big-league companies like Zapier, Product Hunt, Klarna, Gojek, and even Netflix. This is incredibly exciting and underscores our value to the market.

Klu is trusted by big-league companies

How did you get your first 10 customers?

To fully answer your question, it's essential to distinguish between the MVP stage and the public beta stage of Klu.

During the MVP stage in early January, our primary goal was to validate our concept and determine if companies were ready to pay for our solution. We successfully sold Klu to 10 companies on an annual subscription basis. This initial validation bolstered our confidence in the market potential of our product.

So, how did we acquire these first 10 customers? We employed a proactive outreach strategy, engaging companies from mostly in tech. In some instances, we had existing connections with product heads or team leads who were keen to trial our solution.

As we transitioned to the public beta stage, we crafted a strategy revolving around a product launch on Product Hunt. Our target audience was teams within SMEs and startup entrepreneurs with smaller teams. Recognizing that these individuals were active users of Product Hunt, we saw this as an opportunity to reach a broader audience. On our launch day, we experienced significant success: around 10,000 visits and over 700 sign-ups.

Product Hunt launch stats

It was an exhilarating moment, marking a considerable milestone for Klu. To round off, let's address the question of customer retention. Most of our initial customers from the MVP stage have continued to use Klu, showcasing the sustained value they're deriving from our product.

We're now focusing on how to keep growing and scaling to meet the needs of an expanding user base.

What is your top-1 marketing challenge and how do you plan to solve it?

Our top marketing challenge at Klu currently revolves around user retention.

I have successfully attracted users to our platform, but the next critical step is ensuring these users remain engaged and find continuous value in our product.

Improving retention can significantly influence our revenue growth, as retaining an existing customer is generally more cost-effective than acquiring a new one.
To tackle this challenge, I am in the process of building a more robust engagement and communication strategy, with a specific focus on email marketing.

Email automation is one solution I am looking to leverage heavily. By setting up an automated sequence of emails that are triggered based on user behavior, we can ensure our users receive relevant content at the right time.

I love Sandra's focus on Retention.

You can list your SaaS in 100 directories, buy ads, and get a promo with influencers. If your landing page is good enough, this traffic would even convert into customers.

But the real challenge is to retain these customers. The thing is that a good product can solve this problem only partially. We live in a world full of distractions and shiny objects.

If you stand out and solve a real problem, you will win.

  1. 9

    Klu.so is the embodiment of the type of innovation I firmly advocate. It simplifies the complex landscape of information, empowering users to access knowledge efficiently.

    I may be stupid, but I would understand what this is if I was an 11 year old 😆 No offense, just making jokes.

    1. 4

      It's no joke. The question was "Explain this to a 11 year old" and then the first 2 sentences of the pitch go on to use complex lingo.

      I read the story and the landing page and I still don't understand what this product's USP is.

      1. 1

        The landing page is really bad, and I am trying to redesign it. Feedback is more than welcome. Enterprise companies have multiple departments with a bunch of files and data. What Klu does is centralize all of this in one place, allowing companies and employees to find and retrieve information faster and better, as well as create their workflows. We have also seen some cool results in startups and mid-caps (This version is out and you can try it today). I have users connecting their multiple accounts just to handle Gmail information.

        But anyway, we just started Klu and are discovering so much along the way. Hopefully, I will fix the website soon. :D

    2. 1

      Hahaha, someone commented something similar on Twitter. I think from this, you can see that I am really bad with kids. :D

  2. 3

    Thanks for sharing this story. 900% growth is insane. I wish them to have successes like this big in the future too.
    Love that Sandra also teach a bit in her answers. Does she have an account here, on IndieHackers?

    1. 2

      Thank you!

      Sandra actively shares about Klu on her Twitter: https://twitter.com/TakoTreba
      Here's IH profile: @SandraKlu 😊

    2. 1

      Thank you so much, Viktor! I post everything about our journey, both the good and the bad, on my Twitter account: https://twitter.com/TakoTreba.

      1. 2

        I will try to check your account often. Followed you.

  3. 2

    Sandra and Sveta — you are amazing 💯

    Thank you for sharing this killer story with us!

  4. 2

    Thank you for sharing this remarkable story. I hope they continue to experience such monumental success in the future as well.

    1. 1

      Thank you so much! I mean, we just started a few months ago, so we are also at the very beginning. But really cool things are happening to us, and I am super grateful for it.

  5. 2

    Thank you for sharing this story, Sveta! It is my favourite edition of Marketing Bay so far! Sandra and the entire Klu team are incredible. Love and really admire her transparency and journey.

    1. 1

      Thank you so much! I really appreciate your words. Let's connect everywhere!

  6. 2

    Sandra and the entire Klu team are awesome. Thanks, Sveta, for sharing their story!

    1. 1

      Thank you so much Alex!!!

  7. 1

    How would this feature work? The new feature would allow users to create interactive content by using a drag-and-drop editor. Users would be able to choose from a variety of interactive content types, such as quizzes, polls, calculators, and games. They would then be able to customize the content by adding their own questions, answers, and images.

  8. 1

    Amazing , Thanks for sharing.

  9. 1

    I mean, this is not a case study, right? There's literally not a single tactic, strategy or metric in the whole post. "we went from X to Y users" is not a case study. :-)

  10. 1

    Do you feel that any specific Product Hunt strategies helped you get so many votes?

  11. 1

    This is so informative, thanks so much!!!

  12. 1

    Congratulations on building a SaaS platform that has gained traction among prominent companies like Netflix, Product Hunt, and Zapier! Your success demonstrates the value and quality of your product.for more information click here this website.

  13. 1

    Wow! Thank you, Sveta, so much for sharing our story. I am extremely grateful for this. Also, if anyone has any questions or needs any help, I have learned many things in the past few months, so feel free to reach out. https://twitter.com/TakoTreba.

    Also, any feedback is more than welcome. Whatever will help us make better Klu.

    We are four people building Klu, and we are building it in public, so please join us and let's rock this ship! :D

    1. 2

      If you asked, I will give you a quick landing page feedback.

      • The page starts to overflow horizontally from 690px and less (the window height I use is 946px).
      • The hamburger menu on (some, but not all) smaller screen sizes is just a white something, it is fully bugged. If it shows the good color, then the menu doesn't align well vertically.
      • The first search input image should serve as a link which redirects to the same page as the 'Try KLU now 🚀' button. As soon as I saw the search box I clicked on it. But sadly nothing happened, though I wanted to try it out (or see some cool thing to happen).
      • Color contrast issues. Use CSS Overview to see where are they.
      1. 1

        OMG, thank you so much, Viktor! I am in the process of redesigning the website, and every day I start, something comes up. :D I will try to push it faster. Thank you so much for the feedback!

        1. 2

          I am glad to help. Please tag me on twitter if the redesign is live, I will review that one in more depth.

          1. 1

            can you please share me your tw handle :)

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