
Write • Build • Scale with Sinem Günel

I help you write confidently, build your audience, and scale your income. Subscribe for first-hand insights and actionable strategies to turn your ideas and knowledge into a thriving digital business, so you can make money doing what you love.

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May is always a good month

Hey Reader, I was born in May so it's always been a special month for me but the older I get, the more I learn to celebrate me because I realize that life's too short to be busy, grumpy, envious, or resentful. But this month is also special because we recently kicked off a live cohort of my signature program, Medium Writing Academy, and we have tons of exciting live events scheduled! It's been an absolute pleasure to meet dozens of talented and curious writers in our first calls and receive...

11 days ago • 2 min read

Hey Reader, for most people, this is a normal week. For me, it's nerve-wracking for two reasons: ☝️ Taylor Swift is releasing a new album on Friday. ✌️ I'm hosting my biggest-ever LIVE Masterclass on Thursday with more than 1,500 writers who have already signed up! I'd love to pretend I care a lot more about the Masterclass than about Taylor Swift's music, but I'm a horrible liar, so let's say that I'm VERY excited about both. 😅 Seriously: I only host this Masterclass once per year, and it's...

26 days ago • 1 min read

Want to know how you can share your message with millions of people by writing online in 2024? Write on Linkedin & Twitter/X (?!) Do dancing videos on TikTok/Instagram Offer ridiculously cheap writing services on platforms like Fiverr Write whatever you want And publish your unpolished work every day Voilà - that's your path to.. a disaster. 😅 Seriously: It breaks my heart to see writers and creators wasting their time on ridiculous strategies and platforms every single day. Here's the truth...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader, I'm hosting a *free* Masterclass to help you grow your audience and income by writing online. It's happening next week. 🔴 I'll share how I went from having no idea how to write to inspiring millions of readers and making 6-figures per year by writing on the internet.And you're invited to join me LIVE with hundreds of other writers. 👇👇👇 Secure your spot now. I'm expecting this to be the largest and best Masterclass I've ever hosted, but seats are limited due to our streaming...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader, Let's be honest for a minute: How much time do you waste doing things that don't move you forward? What I mean by "moving forward" is getting you closer to the life you want. 🛜 How much time do you waste on social media? 😩 How much time do you waste worrying about what others might think? 🤷 Or how much time do you waste "engaging" with other writers and creators because someone told you that's how you'll grow your audience? The problem with those activities 👆 (and many more) is...

about 1 month ago • 2 min read

Hey Reader, This email is all about helping you grow your audience and income by becoming a better, more effective writer, and I'll start by sharing a brand-new video that I just released: WATCH: 10 Quick Tips to Improve Your Writing In this video, I talk about things like: 🤔 What "great" writing really is 🙁 Why "creating value" isn't enough 🥴 How you SHOULDN'T use editing tools And much more! >>> Watch the full video now & share your thoughts or questions as a comment. 💡 My #1 Tip as a...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader, Can you believe the first three months of the year are already over?! I'm spending the Easter break with friends & family but I did my quarterly reflection before heading off, and boy, a lot has happened over those past three months! 🚘 I got my driver's license! 🇨🇾 I visited Cyprus & connected with brilliant entrepreneurs who live there. 🚴 I went to my first spinning classes and loved it. 🧑💻 We silently launched our first real website. 🔵 We took our private membership from...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader, Quick question: Did you ever feel like you're too late? Too late to start to write online. Too late to build your own business. Too late to get in shape. Too late to fix certain relationships. Sound familiar? I spent way too much of my time worrying about being too late instead of just moving forward and embracing opportunities. When I started to write on Medium back in 2018, I thought I was too late to the online writing game. I saw all those writers with massive audiences and...

about 2 months ago • 2 min read

Happy Friday, Reader! Normally, you receive my newsletter on Thursdays but this week's email wasn't ready yet, so you're receiving it now. You might think I'm weird for sharing this because you don't care when exactly you receive my emails as long as you enjoy reading them. But I have a different message here: The beauty of being a creator/writer is that you make the rules. I love my job (getting paid to type words on my computer is pretty cool), but there are a gazillion things that I love...

about 2 months ago • 3 min read

Hey Reader, Let's start this week's email with a harsh truth: Most writers and creators fail to capture and keep attention because they share what they want to share, ignoring the needs and desires of their target audience. ❌ If you want to turn strangers into readers and readers into subscribers or customers, you need to anticipate and address their objections. ✅ This is particularly relevant when writing copy (emails, sales pages,..), but it starts with your content. If your content is as...

2 months ago • 2 min read
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