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Reflections Of The Eternal Line

by Florian Arbenz & Greg Osby

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G.E Prince
G.E Prince thumbnail
G.E Prince Here is an L.P that is not just alive, but sounds live. An album that sounds very tribal but yet every corner turned has different statements and directions. The conversations that Florian and Greg exchange are truly breathtaking, two men that will not just take you on a journey, but provide you with all the emotions that are within every step of that journey. This is a journey that will become timeless.
Max Sommers
Max Sommers thumbnail
Max Sommers I have always been an admirer of Greg Osby but Florian Arbenz was a new name to me. They have done something quite special here, in my opinion. Sax and percussion might seem a little sparse for a full album, but believe me, it is not. These are two musicians fantastically "in tune" with each other. Arbenz, all by himself, provides a rich an fascinating soundscape behind Osby's predictably intriguing playing, and the end result is totally absorbing. Highly recommended.
nimzo33 thumbnail
nimzo33 This is an all killer no filler album! Thanks Florian and Greg 🙏
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Wooden Lines 00:00 / 07:43
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      €12 EUR or more 


Chant 05:04 video
Truth 03:55
Homenaje 05:02


Continuing a professional relationship that has lasted 22 years, Swiss drummer/percussionist Florian Arbenz and legendary American saxophonist Greg Osby join forces to present their debut duo album, Reflections of the Eternal Line.

The project was inspired by a series of paintings by renowned artist Stephan Spicher, whose workshop was the location of the recording sessions. Together, across 2 different mediums, the three of them worked to create a new collection, both visual and sonic.

“The concept of this program is not just an exchange of ideas”, says Florian, “but trying to find a different ‘sound’ for every tune. Hopefully this provides a diverse experience for the listener too; it should feel like walking through an exhibition and looking at different paintings.”

At first glance, a saxophone-drum duo may seem sparse. But the two musicians bring a huge range of improvisational ideas and techniques, not to mention a combined experience of more than 60 years, to create a wide and varied palette of sounds.

"It requires us to be even more sensitive to each other, and more respectful" commented Osby. "It requires to you to call upon everything you've acquired as a performing and progressive artist."

Osby, on soprano and alto, shows his seemingly endless stream of inspiration whilst Florian expands the classic jazz drum kit with a huge balinese gong, some tuned kalimbas and other custom-designed percussion instruments which add a sense of bass lines and even harmony.

The symbolism of Spicher’s artwork - a fascination with two lines which cross from time to time - is not lost on the musicians either.

“We search for a communication and interaction of our two lines, leaving the freedom to each other, but also clearly inspiring each other” said Florian.

You can, of course, take the album as a standalone collection of music; high level jazz taking influences from a range of other sources. Or, similarly, appreciate the nuances of Stephan Spicher’s paintings produced in the same session. But perhaps, together, the meeting of these two mediums produces that little extra ‘something!’


released September 17, 2020

Florian Arbenz (drums & percussion)
Greg Osby (saxophones)


all rights reserved



Florian Arbenz Basel, Switzerland

Best known for his work with Swiss trio VEIN, drummer Florian Arbenz has toured, recorded and performed with artists including Kirk Lightsey, Greg Osby, Glenn Ferris, Wolfgang Puschnig, Bennie Maupin, Dave Liebman, Rick Margitza, Andy Sheppard, Matthieu Michel, Bruno Rousselet, Michel Benita, Olah Kalman, Tibor Elekes, Oguz Buyukberber and others. ... more

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