The Embedded Entrepreneur

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The Embedded Entrepreneur - How to build an audience-driven business | Product Hunt The Embedded Entrepreneur - How to build an audience-driven business | Product Hunt

Find your Audience.
Explore their Communities.
Discover their Problem.
Build a Following.
Build a Business.

Too many businesses start with a big idea and ultimately fail because nobody wants to pay for their product. What are they missing? The Audience-Driven approach of an Embedded Entrepreneur. 

Instead of building solutions looking for customers, Embedded Entrepreneurs find customers and build a solution with them. They join communities, observe, participate and take these learnings and transform them into products people need and businesses customers love.

If you want to find your future customers, discover how you can help them, and build an audience while growing your business, I invite you to become an Embedded Entrepreneur.

When you begin building your business with your future audience in mind, the guesswork ends. The Audience-Driven approach of an Embedded Entrepreneur is the path to a sustainable, customer-centric business. 

In The Embedded Entrepreneur, you will learn:

  • Audience Discovery: who do you want to serve and empower?
  • Audience Exploration: where does your future audience hang out?
  • Problem Discovery: which critical problem does your prospective audience have that you can turn into a business?
  • Audience-Building: how can you leverage social media to build (with) your audience?
Hi 👋 — it’s me, Arvid.

Arvid Kahl is a software engineer, entrepreneur, and writer who has been building (for) his audience successfully for years. He built a SaaS business to $55,000 Monthly Recurring Revenue with his partner Danielle Simpson. They sold the business for a life-changing amount of money within two years. Arvid wrote the best-selling book Zero to Sold while building a loyal following of tens of thousands on Twitter.

The Embedded Entrepreneur is your practical guide to finding the right audience and building the product they need.

This book was written in public. I wrote the first draft in January 2021, and then immediately opened up the editing process to the public. Within a few days, hundreds of founders and Indie Hackers joined me on my book-editing journey, providing me with incredibly useful feedback.

I wanted this book about audience-centric entrepreneurship to be written in an audience-centric way as well. Over the next few months, I ran several manuscript versions past over 500 alpha readers.

The result of this collective effort is The Embedded Entrepreneur. A book by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs.

The Embedded Entrepreneur Toolkit

In addition to the book, I offer a toolkit for those founders who want to get to work with proven templates right from the start.

It’s a Notion-based toolkit that contains spreadsheets, lists, and additional content that supplements the book. I have added several of my own research spreadsheets with my research data to this toolkit.  Here’s a little teaser:

A teaser of just a few of the contents of the toolkit

Here are a few things you’ll find in there:

  • Audience Discovery Spreadsheet (+Arvid’s version)
  • Bonus Practical Tips and Lists for the 5-Step Audience Discovery Guide
  • Problem Discovery Tracking Sheet (+Arvid’s version)
  • Audience Audition Influencer Tracking Sheet (+Arvid’s version)
  • Weekly Audience-Building Schedule Checklist
  • Problem Frequency Tracking Sheet
  • Opportunity Resource Tracking Sheet
  • Competition Tracking Sheet