Relationship-ing Play-shop

Seven Sundays 3 pm- 4:30 pm PST

On Zoom

1-2:30 PM Pacific
3-5:30 PM Central
4 -5:30 PM Eastern

Relational Intimacy

Who: This course is for partners who are interested in investing time in getting to know each other by exploring questions that we don't often ask and can fundamentally change how you see each other.

The guidebooks are designed to widen your way of seeing yourself and your partner!

What: We will use a page a week for seven weeks. Meaning we will explore seven of the questions from the guidebooks. You will receive a PDF copy of both the personal and shared guide.

How: We'll meet on zoom. We'll gift ourselves 1.5 hours of time to be together. We will do breakout time for each partnership to write and share together by themselves and then come back to the larger group and do some group sharing though the chat and a few folks talking. Being with others and hearing snippets of stories from one another helps us feel less isolated in our primary relationships.

When: Seven Sundays!

  • How we own our part of a challenging situation
  • How we give and receive feedback
  • How we can look through multiple prompts to guide us to see parts we didn't see before!

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Relationship-ing Playshop here:

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