Break down the complexity of BJJ with a simple set of concepts and strategies that create "rules" for your BJJ.
When you combine these ideas with your technique you know the "WHY" to support your "HOW" when using techniques.

Use the button below to order Vol.1, Vol.2 or a special priced bundle on both Rules for BJJ volumes.
Ready To Speed Up Your Progress In BJJ?
There’s an interesting process that happens with your body.
While we prize our thinking minds.
Our acting body learns much faster on a subconscious level.
In his book Blink: The Power Of Thinking Without Thinking, Malcolm Gladwell talks about a study done by Iowa scientists. Basically, they did an experiment where they had subjects pick red or blue cards. While the subjects were never told this, 1 set of cards had more risk and greater rewards.
What they found was, it took subjects around 80 cards or so to consciously realize what was going on (that red cards had greater risks).
But machines hooked up to their bodies (measuring stress, sweat glands, etc) showed that their subconscious figured it out at around 10 cards in. Whenever they pick the red cards their bodies would begin to have a spike in heart rate, sweat more and all the other signs of higher levels of stress.
This “70 card lag” happens in BJJ too, where you’ll probably start doing a lot of things early on without really knowing why. You just do them because the more you train and experiment, the more your body figures things out.
Eventually the ole noggin catches up and you can articulate what you’re doing.
But what if you could speed up the process?
Many of us “old-timers” have gone through this process and consciously know the different mechanisms at work on the mats.
And this is why inside my Rules for BJJ Vol.1 I try to bring some of these undercurrents of BJJ to light. This way you can stop just using them unknowingly, and make them work for you when you want/need them.
Here’s what one of the members said inside the course area. . .
“Some of the examples were obvious to me but I had not followed through intellectually to see all the places I was not following this rule. Useful!” - Adrian
Adrian was probably already unconsciously doing certain things. But by bringing the concepts and strategies to his attention he was able to skip some of that “70 card lag” that it takes for the thinking mind to catch up to the acting body.
And That's What This Course Is All About!
Inside Rules for BJJ Vol.1 I'll be showing you over 40 fundamental lessons for Brazilian Jiu-jitsu that will help you not only perform techniques more effectively, but also give you a better understanding of what you're doing.
In essence, removing that "70 card lag" in certain areas of your game and showing you the basic ideas of how things work.
Here's a little bit of what you'll be getting with Rules for BJJ Vol.1 . . .
My hip focused adjustment from top of side control to stop flexible guard players from regaining their guard.
The “Belly Button Rule” when escaping mount (where NOT to push in order to escape efficiently).
A 2nd “Belly Button Rule” for when you’re passing guard. (Fail to abide by this one and you’ll be getting swept quicker than the winning competitor runs to the acai booth).
A simple idea to instantly create better balance. (This is an ultra-basic footwork concept I learned in wrestling but for some reason, a lot of BJJ gyms don’t teach this.)
Want to get more choke submissions? I’ll show you how by attacking armlocks and vice versa. (This simple idea will give you a submission threat that is hard to defend.)
Gaining “inside control” with the arm position will give you better control of almost any position. (Again, another basic concept from wrestling that very few BJJ gyms teach explicitly.)
Why breaking grips slowly doesn’t work. Even if you’re stronger than your opponent.(An olympic Judo silver medalist illustrated this one to me, but it works in both gi and no gi. )
How to set up a defensive position when someone is passing that prevents you from being flattened out. (This position has a funny name but is incredibly effective.)
What many people lack with their technique setups. (This concept of balance and off-balancing could send your percentage of success with any technique skyrocketing!)
An almost-frighteningly way to generate more power with your submissions by using your whole body! (You can drill this one with ANY submission for big results.)
Demystify sweeps by understanding how to take away points of base. (Once you know this you’ll never need to “memorize” which way to sweep. You’ll know based upon the body and points of base.)
A simple adjustment to the way you hold wrist control that will give you a “death grip” that’s damn near impossible to break without burning your own grip out.
A concept of holding and taking someone's back that turned me into a high percentage back taker and finisher. (When you understand this idea you’ll start finding ways to get to the back everywhere!)
The ridiculously simple method I teach to my students for becoming better at armlocks. (I call it, splitting up the buddies. You’ll see what I mean inside the course. It's so simple it even works for my kids students!)
A controversial tip that has won me more medals at Black Belt than anything else.
I first discovered this as a White Belt when I had an injury and could only use Triangle Chokes to my “weak side.”
No one else did triangles to that side and so I was able to hit them all the time even though I wasn’t very good from the full guard with anything else for a while.
As a Black Belt I intentionally pass and attack people’s weak side. I do this by drilling to both sides. Now I know some people will argue and say you should have 1 side 100% rather than 2 50/50. But I can tell you from experience that it’s a damn smart idea.
And this is another tip to understand about this product and any other product. Ultimately you'll always have to think for yourself. Even in this series where I show you some amazing tips to help your BJJ game. Always be willing to think for yourself.
Because had I listened to people telling me to ONLY stick to 1 side, my BJJ game would not be nearly as good as it is today.
A breathing tip that will keep you from gassing out when you apply submissions and give you the ability to hold the choke or arm lock longer.
My “half guard killer’ grip that will stop a bottom player from sweeping you or attacking your legs from half guard. (When you see this grip and the rule behind it you’ll be floored by how simple it is. And then when you try it in the gym you’ll be amazed at how effective it is!)
Want to generate more pressure when you’re on top? The very last rule in the series will show you how by focusing on 1 specific area of your body. (I learned this from a World Champion years ago and it’s helped me crank up the pressure on anyone I go against.)
And inside Rules for BJJ Vol.2 You'll Receive The Following. . .
Why most people create top pressure in the most inefficient way possible.
A little more about this one.
In many cases, when people want to add top pressure, the only way they know how to do it is by squeezing their arms. This does work. . . Only problem is that with all that squeezing, your arm muscles will be toast pretty quickly and you’ll be exhausted. But by making use of a different muscle group, that most people ignore, you can apply more pressure and save your arm endurance in the process.
The counterintuitive way to finish more submissions. (Why it’s better to go 70% initially with submission finishes instead of 100%.)
The #1 WORST mistake you can make with your grips in BJJ. (Even if you get the right grips, if you commit this common beginner mistake your grips will be shot and your forearms will be burning.)
How to dig your “Spurs” in to hold a heavier mount. (This simple physical cue will instantly turn your mount into a brutal smashing position when you’re on top.)
A scientifically proven way to relax in BJJ. (Are you a spaz at your gym? Do you lost control of your breath during rolling and gas out? Well, you can’t force yourself to relax. Try, and you’ll only make it worse. But you can force yourself to use this simple breathing method that can help you relax. I still use it to this day.)
How to shut down Half Guard sweeps with 1 grip! (This is a brain-dead simple way to shut down anyone’s underhook. It’s perfect against sweeps from half guard. Watch the video and you can easily practice it during your next rolling session.)
A clever trick to make old techniques work like new again. (Got a technique that used to work like a charm and now everyone sees it coming a mile away? This lesson will fix that.)
A method for slowing down your opponent’s and "cooking them" so that they’ll be ready to serve you a submission whenever you’re ready to take it. (This is especially useful if you're older in BJJ or have an opponent who's faster than.)
The important reason why you should pay attention to your opponent’s belly button when you’re playing from a guard position. (This is 1 of the easiest ways to keep a guard passer off balance and improve your sweeps.)
A little-talked about secret for making your submissions more effective and powerful. (You can easily practice the next time you're drilling any submission in your BJJ class.)
How to get the most from your rolls with a more experienced BJJ practitioner. (If you're the low person on the pecking order, then this one will help you get the most from that situation.)
A tip for smaller BJJ practitioners about the position they should use before going to a full mount. (If the big guys in class just buck you out of mount, th do this 1st to wear them down.)
The basic concepts that make basic White Belt sweeps work that apply to almost any type of sweep. (Understanding this one will help you make sense of most of your basic sweeps, since you'll know how they work.)
The Failed Sweep Secret. (I’ll teach you how to turn failed sweeps from guard into 1 of your best weapons.)
An Olympic wrestler’s secret for literally doubling the number of techniques you have in your game. (This tip is responsible for a huge portion of my success in BJJ competitions.)
How to counter the dreaded body lock passing position with simple concepts every White Belt is taught. (If you struggle defending tight smash passes like this, this tip will be a real forehead smacker. It's so simple, but so many people don't use the technique I show in the video.)
A rock-solid way of using your naturally weaker side to defeat your opponents. (A lot of people don’t do this and it slows their progress because of it.)
How to use your breathing to slow down or speed up your pace and aggression in BJJ. (This little secret is like having a manual gear shift with your rolling.)
My pez dispenser trick for making a rear naked choke even tighter! (If you’ve ever had a rear naked choke sunk it, but couldn’t finish it, then this lesson is worth the price of admission.)
How and when to use pain to achieve a technical purpose. (Do this right and it's brutally effective. Do it wrong and you'll either struggle to find a rolling partner or get DQ'd.)
And much more. . .
Ready to start understanding more of the WHY's in BJJ?
If all of that sounds good then lets get started.
Simply click the button below to go to the next page and snag the Rules for BJJ Bundle!

Use the button below to order Vol.1, Vol.2 or a special priced bundle on both Rules for BJJ volumes.
I'm offering a set of proven fundamental Brazilian Jiu-jitsu lessons. Over 40 in total.
These lessons do not teach a specific technique or position. Instead they teach concepts and strategies as to how they could work. In essence they create simple rules that help you react correctly during a roll with someone.
You can currently order Rules for BJJ Vol.1, Vol.2 or a special bundle offer that includes both of them!
Along with the better understanding you'll gain from the series you'll also begin to see the trends in BJJ that exist more clearly.
And as soon as you make your purchase. You instantly get access to the series on my website or the app associated with my website.
And if you're worried that you won't like it or you won't get anything from it. Don't be! If you get Rules for BJJ Vol.1 and don't learn anything useful and don't like the series. Simply let me know within 30 days of your purchase and I'll refund you your money. So there's absolutely no risk.
So, if you're ready to make more sense of what you're doing on the ground then click the button below to get started! You won't regret it.