Launching a self-paced online course is no small feat. Whether you're a seasoned course creator or taking your first steps in the digital education realm, a structured checklist can be your guiding light.

As we’re about to launch our second self-paced course at Forte Labs this Black Friday, I’ve created the following checklist to streamline the course creation journey, making sure you and I don’t miss any vital steps.

Dive in and let's bring your course to life!

(This checklist assumes that you have an existing audience so it doesn’t include any audience-building steps.)

Kick Off the Project

Before you jump right into doing, let’s pause and make a plan. Creating a new course is a project and benefits from some basic project management. Here’s why this is so important and best practices to follow.

At a minimum, you’ll need to make the following key decisions:

Prepare the Course Content

Let your subject matter expertise shine! These are the steps to creating the course itself.