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Gold & Decay

by Upon Your Grave

Transcend 00:00 / 05:04
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Revived 00:38
From Beyond 05:03
Lurking outside human boundaries Infinite thing drifting in the void Exoskeleton stretching far, closing gap between stars Creativity envy it, human minds can't grasp it Unbelievable entity, organic weaponry Incredulity at first sight, perfect being, predator!! Prey!! Acceleration of heart rate, sustenance for its mind Psychic energy emanates, cryptic power untamed Fire up the engines, we must know more about it Biogenetics from the void, unbeknownst to us all Examination is required, Scientists ecstatic Safety protocols are ignored, extreme insanity Nebulosity, its nature, not unlike ancient gods!! Retrieve the data Gather all we can Ignore our safety Bring us to the end Integrity is failing madness grips our minds soporific engulfment Plague our mammals brains Bio-weapons starts firing Our hull can't withstand Panic spreads among the weak Planets collapses at his will Devouring the stars Nature's apex eternal Bow to our new god Embrace this divinity Perfection made flesh Outer space its hunting grounds Fools we were to study it Exquisite being
Pandora 03:01
Curious you've always been An itch under our skins Inside a box it remains The key to unlock our brains Knowledge has a price to pay Ignorance won't light your way You wanted answers Now bite the cursed fruit We stole the fire of the gods Trust has left the earth Pitiful mortals on the loose Bathing in the dirt Present them the box as a friend Contemplate the hook Romanticized ascent at hand Glassified outlook Hegemony's nigh Castrated existence Can of worms Blurred expectations Dispensed evil Retribution's here The gods constant laughs Fatal container unsealed Present of the gods Reality is your curse For better or worse Her! Pandora tried to save us Hastened to close the box The one who is made of clay Idiomatic consortium Reach further!
Supremacy 04:58
Into this realm Lost souls are binded Answer the call Soaked in unholy sin Pitilless night Disregard your own kin Inside you is the key Unlock carnage Havoc for all to see Companionship is gone Buried inside for so long Cruelty is the new cult Domination's leading Cull of the weak Atmospheric pressure Ensures bleeding BURN! Mindless killing impending Distant crying unending Terror spreading ascending Eternal immolation Your soul is ready to be Out! Is the way All your insides must be mine Clean! All your bones Gift to my collection, fabulous shrine Weave! Perfect skin Cover my own identity In! Is my art Like a sculptor, carve my way to your heart
Transcend 05:04
Free Rise Up Dive in me Merging minds is the last of keys Transcend flesh to be free Computerize Advanced, brain cells DNA's our memory Built upon Failure Cybernatic enhancements Replace our limbs False sense of identity Resides, in us Crack the codes False memories are forced in you Trust yourself to be true Dehumanize Lifeless, mannequins Parading our own warranty Reaching out to transcend Out of our own cells Transcend into the vast net Spirit is unbound Expand the reach of your mind Extract The seed Living Machine Free Rise Let's play god Pouring life into empty shells Synthetic Genesis Doubt is In me Just has Wires Replace My veins Fake skin Covers My flesh The weight Of all My sins Metal Infused In my Body Tear down Limits One day We'll merge Our minds Break out Of the Last cell Leave it be, Your own self Transcend with the power of tech Expand your mind and rise up Break the walls of your prison To transcend Out of our own cells Ascend into the next plane Spirit is unbound Expand the reach of your mind Extract The seed Living Machine Perspective Shattered Recipient Emptied Path is laid Above Release me I'm free Now Let's take us all to the next phase Transcend


Recorded, Mixed & Mastered : Chris Donaldson
Artwork : Meike Hakkaart
Song writer : Sim Diamond
Bass performed in studio by : Alex Rancourt
Drums on ''Supremacy'' performed by : Michel Bélanger

UYG is :
Jordan Jolicoeur - Vocals
Sim Diamond - Lead Guitar
Alex Bussieres - Rythm Guitar
Seb Gagné - Drums
Yan Pelletier : Bass


released October 7, 2022


all rights reserved



Upon Your Grave Québec

Formed in 2009, Upon Your Grave established themselves quickly with the release of their debut self titled record in 2013.

In 2019, at the dawn of the band’s 10th anniversary, the band started writing for what would become their first new release in nine years. Gold & Decay, proves that work ethic and perseverance can truly refine a band’s sound to what they had always been striving for.
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