About The Campaign

BSM Media and FLAVORx need your help!

It has been brought to our attention that new regulations put in place by the California Board of Pharmacy could eliminate the ability to flavor children's medicines. This will essentially ban FLAVORx and similar pharmaceutical services from being used in the State of California.

When children have trouble taking liquid medicine, it can be a stressful experience for both the parents and the child. This can lead to tears, tantrums, and sometimes a prolonged illness. These medicine-time struggles also put stress on the family members who are trying to give the medicine needed to make little ones feel better.

FLAVORx was started by a pharmacist who had a granddaughter that absolutely hated taking medicine. His granddaughter needed this medication daily to help control her seizures. The drug's terrible taste kept her from getting it down. Her resistance to taking the medicine meant extra trips to the hospital for her family. There are many similar cases like this in your area.

FLAVORx is here to help make taking medicine easier (and better!) for both kids and parents by letting kids choose how they want their medicine to taste at the pharmacy. Flavors are sugar-free, gluten-free, dye-free, and casein-free.

If you are a parent that depends on flavoring to help your child take medicine or know of a parent that relies on this service or simply want to speak out about this issue, YOU can help stop this from happening.

Help us save medicine flavoring in California!

For this campaign, we are looking for parents that live in the state of California that want to help create awareness and get the attention of those necessary to create change! If this is you, please read on and select a program that best speaks to you and your Social Channels!

If you are selected for this campaign you will be tasked to create authentic content speaking to the new regulations put into place and how this can affect families in your area.

*We will provide you will all necessary information along with messaging and hashtags.

Campaign #1: Instagram + Twitter
1x Instagram Story and/or Tweet
Compensation: $150

Campaign #2: Blog Post
1x Blog Post (700 word minimum)
Compensation: $500

Campaign #3: TikTok
1x Video shared to TikTok
Compensation: $500

Timing: March/April 2023**
**Timing subject to change based on the current efforts to stop this
Please Note:
All social media profiles must be set to public with engagement metrics turned ON to participate in any of these programs. Influencers will be selected on a first-come, first-serve basis and will be verified for quality of social media photos, following, and engagement. Additional information including product assignment, retail placement, photo guidelines, and key word messaging will be sent to each selected influencer.

Please click the NEXT button below to proceed to the application.