Fredrik Haren’s Post

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Fredrik Haren Fredrik Haren is an Influencer

The Creativity Explorer. LinkedIn TOP VOICE 2024. Follow to discover your full creative potential. Creativity speaker, Innovation speaker. Author.

People want “Problem Solvers”, people who solve problems. But even better if you find “Problem Preventers”, people who use their creativity in a way that stops the problem from even occurring. Think of doctors prescribing a healthy lifestyle so that people do not even become patients, instead of curing the sickness that they come in with. Problem Preventers might just be the most valuable creative people that we have - they make sure problems do not even become something we have to solve. Be a Problem Preventer. (Link to video in the article: #creativity #creativityexplorer

Be a Problem Preventer. (The Creativity Explorer.)

Be a Problem Preventer. (The Creativity Explorer.)

Fredrik Haren on LinkedIn

Padma Kumaran

Motivational Speaker, &breakthrough coach on mindset and career guidance coach. Students motivation


Yes Fedrik prevention is better than cure. If all of us did what you said the world would have been a peaceful place to live

Ben Ong

People & Culture Leader | Regional HR Leader | Global Organization Development Leader | Global Culture Transformation Expert | Global Talent Management Leader | Change Management


LOVE IT. 🤔 Business organizations tend to measure value in $ i.e. how big is the problem in $. Hence, the bigger the problem solved, the more valuable people are inside the organization. Perhaps, that’s why we tend to find more creative people (problem preventers) in entrepreneurship than inside employment? 🤔

Louis Cheok

Content Creator @ Singlife | Digital Insurance, Content Marketing


Problem preventers are true joy givers. Problem solvers may be joy robbers when they solve wrong ones.

Michael Podolinsky CSP, Global Speaking Fellow, Speaker Hall of Fame

Exponential Growth in Productivity, People & Profits - Managerial Productivity and Time Maximization


Fredrik, I admire you! You are truly the creativity explorer. You are 100% spot on. Much better to prevent problems then to fix them

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