
Thank you for your interest in learning more about green jobs wage subsidy programs and work integrated learning opportunities for youth! After 8 months of researching this topic, I have gathered 100+ programs and links that I hope can benefit you, the reader! Due to the tremendous amount of government funded programs available, I only chose work integrated learning (WIL) opportunities and jobs that fit within the realm of sustainability. The primary links in this sheet stem from 7 federally funded wage subsidy programs in what is currently known as Canada: the Science Horizons Youth Internship Program, the Student Work Placement Program (SWPP), the Science and Technology Internship Program - Green Jobs (STIP), Digital Skills for Youth (DS4Y), the International Youth Internship Program, The Innovative Work Integrated Learning Initiative and the Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP). I also threw Canada Service Corps, Canada's national volunteering initiative, into the mix for volunteer opportunities, although the CSC has extensive programming with its 12 national service partners (since it's volunteer it's unpaid, but you can receive free travel and accomodations for your service project). Due to the short term nature of government funding for most of these employment programs, this information will be valid until March 31, 2022 and thereafter funding may or may not be renewed for the programs found within this sheet.

To learn more about my research feel free to check out my policy brief on youth perceptions in securing green jobs here.

All the best,

Lauren Castelino
- Assist youth in their search for a green job and/or work integrated learning opportunities
- Share opportunities with international students who are usually excluded from participating in federally funded programs
- Help out non-profit, business, and NGO employers who want to retain youth talent
- Set an example for career development centres at academic institutions on ways in which youth can get involved
- Raise awareness on government funded wage subsidy and employment programs for youth
Green job:
There is not one known definition of a green job, so here are a few that are widely circulated:

"A green job is a job within an organization that aims to protect the environment or within an organization that is interested in processes with positive environmental outcomes. A green job can be classified as follows:

- Professions that require environmental skills, knowledge, experience or competencies in order to produce products or deliver services that have an environmental benefit (e.g., architects and land use - planners who incorporate sustainability into designs, air quality engineers and conservation officers)
- Professions that may not require specialized environmental skills but result in an environmental benefit (e.g., construction or trades workers that apply knowledge of standard construction techniques while completing green projects, manufacturing production workers, and companies that produce environmental goods)
- Professions that support organizations in the natural resources sector that work toward positive environmental outcomes (e.g., communications, marketing, administration, project management, engagement, sales, and business analysis)" (Natural Resources Canada, 2021).


"A Green Job is one that supports nature-based solutions for a more sustainable planet. Green jobs are typically involved in, but not limited to, jobs in the forest sector, parks, conservation, natural resource management, environmental education, sustainable food systems, climate change, carbon sequestration, species maintenance and recovery, water quality and quantity, and more" (Project Learning Tree Canada, 2021).


“Green jobs are careers that focus on the creation of a more sustainable and just future for all” (Guzman Skotnitsky, 2021)
Delivery partner: In the context of employment programs, delivery partners are tasked with managing wage subsidy funds and relaying criteria set-forth by the government funding they have received for said employment programs.
Intern host organization (IHO): IHOs will provide a recent graduate with professional experience and an opportunity to learn (Government of Prince Edward Island, 2021)
Wage subsidy:
"A wage subsidy provides financial reimbursement to employers who hire eligible job seekers" (Magnet, 2021).
Work integrated learning (WIL):
"As defined by Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada, work-integrated learning (WIL) is a model and process of curricular experiential education which formally and intentionally integrates a student’s academic studies within a workplace or practice setting.

Work Integrated learning opportunities that are eligible for Student Work Placement wage subsidies include, but are not limited to:
- mentorship programs
- co-op placements
- practicums
- applied research projects; and
- internships

WIL experiences include an engaged partnership of at least: an academic institution, a host organization and a student. WIL can occur at the course or program level and includes the development of learning outcomes related to employability, personal agency and life-long learning" (Magnet, 2021).
Student work placement:
"Student work placement activities can include, but is not limited to: mentorship programs, co-op placements, practicums, and internships" (Government of Canada, 2021).
First Year Students:
"First Year Students are defined as students registered in the first year of their program at a recognized post-secondary institution."
(Magnet, 2021).
Under-represented groups:
"Students from under-represented groups include:

Women in STEM: refers to a woman registered and studying in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

Indigenous People: refers to people who reported identifying with at least one Aboriginal group, that is, First Nations, Métis or Inuit, and/or those who reported being a Treaty Indian or a Registered Indian as defined by the Indian Act of Canada, and/or those who reported they were members of an Indian band or First Nation.

Persons with disabilities: refers to an individual who has a difficulty or impairment due to a long-term condition or health problem and/or experiences a limitation in their daily activities.

Newcomer: refers to immigrants who immigrated to Canada within the last five years.

Visible Minorities: refers to persons, other than Aboriginal peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour" (Magnet, 2021).
Net New:
"Organizations who wish to participate must demonstrate a projected increase in the number of students hired in their “baseline year” in order to qualify (note that this was temporarily put on hold with the Student Work Placement Program (SWPP) due to the pandemic and isn't a requirement anymore). Net new is determined by subtracting the number of students hired by an employer in the first year prior to first participating in the Student Work Placement Program, from the number of students (not staff) the employer is intending to hire in the current fiscal year, including those already hired." (Magnet, 2021).
Youth Furthest From Employment (YFE):
"Furthest from employment is defined as:

- Indigenous youth;
- youth with disabilities;
- placements in the North (Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut);
- rural communities (a population of fewer than 5,000 people and a population density of fewer than 400 people per square kilometre); and
- remote communities (a permanent or long-term (5 years or more) settlement with at least ten dwellings that does not have year-round road access)" (BioTalent Canada, 2021).
Underemployed: Visible underemployment happens when someone does not believe his or her work hours are sufficient, while invisible underemployment occurs when skills are not fully used or when the job is considered substandard because of wages or other employment characteristics (Statistics Canada, 2018).
Unemployed: when a person who is actively searching for employment is unable to find work (Hayes, 2021)
BioTalent Canada. (2021). Science and Technology Internship Program - Green Jobs. BioTalent Canada. Retrieved December 20, 2021, from https://www.biotalent.ca/programs/green-jobs-science-and-technology-internship-program/
Employment and Social Development Canada. (2021). Student Work Placement Program. Canada.ca. Retrieved December 20, 2021, from https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/programs/student-work-placement-program.html
Government of Prince Edward Island. (2021). Digital Skills 4 Youth. Government of Prince Edward Island. Retrieved December 20, 2021, from https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/en/service/digital-skills-4-youth
Guzman Skotnistky, S. (2021). Green Jobs for Youth - Summary. Wild Apricot. Retrieved December 20, 2021, from https://ccyp-ccpj.wildapricot.org/resources/Knowledge%20Centre/REV3_1Pager_ENG_CCYP_8.5x11_GREENJOBS_SABRINA_MAY2021.pdf
Hayes, A. (2021). Unemployment Definition and Types. Investopedia. Retrieved December 20, 2021, from https://www.investopedia.com/terms/u/unemployment.asp
Magnet. (2021). The Magnet Student Work Placement Program. Magnet Student Work Placement Program. Retrieved December 20, 2021, from https://swpp.magnet.today/#swpp-program
Natural Resources Canada. (2021). Green Jobs Internship Program. Natural Resources Canada. Retrieved December 20, 2021, from https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/climate-change/canadas-green-future/green-jobs/green-jobs-internship-program/23756
Project Learning Tree Canada. (2021). Funding for Employers. Green Jobs. Retrieved December 20, 2021, from https://pltcanada.org/en/green-jobs/funding-for-employers/?v=e4b09f3f8402#register_form
Statistics Canada. (2018). Labour. Statistics Canada: Canada's national statistical agency / Statistique Canada : Organisme statistique national du Canada. Retrieved December 20, 2021, from https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-402-x/2011000/chap/lab-tra/lab-tra-eng.htm
Venture for Canada. (2021). Alternative Sources of Funding Student and Grads. Google Docs. Retrieved December 20, 2021, from https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qd1TOQzdd-6icmaQZVLIg8WZXqRurJrN9JisjbXVUu4/edit
The information referred to in each respective tab thereafter originate directly from links which are hyperlinked which is why in-text citations are not used.