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Hi Wattpad Creators,

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to shed light on the importance of mental health and well-being. As a Wattpad creator, you have a unique ability to explore the complexities of mental health through your stories. Your words have the power to connect with readers on a meaningful level and can help to break down the stigma around mental health. 

This month, we are not only encouraging you to use your platform to promote mental health awareness and support but also to protect and take care of your own mental health. Writing can be a therapeutic outlet, but it's also important to prioritize self-care and seek support when needed.

We hope you'll join us in our efforts to raise awareness and advocate for mental health in order to create a supportive and inclusive community for all. 
Maybelline x Wattpad Brave Together Campaign
For the third year in a row, Wattpad and Maybelline are launching an exciting challenge to raise awareness and smash stigma around depression and anxiety.

Three talented creators have released an exclusive Bonus Chapter within their stories—and that’s where YOU come in. These chapters are hosting a Write-a-Thon Comment Challenge. For every comment submitted, Wattpad will donate $1 USD (up to $2000 USD per chapter) towards three nonprofit organizations selected by our featured creators in support of mental health awareness: NAMI, Crisis Text Line, and Sad Girls Club.

Join the #BraveTogether conversation and make a difference with your words. Click each link below to view the exclusive Bonus Chapters and leave your comments now! 
Self-care for writers

As a writer, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle of producing content and neglecting your own well-being. Writer burnout is a very real issue that can be combatted by taking the time to practice self-care. 

This Mental Health Awareness Month, we're challenging you to make time for yourself, replenish your creativity, and do things that make you feel fulfilled and happy. Explore our blog post to learn about different ways you can take care of your own mental health.

Writing about mental health

"It wasn't until I found Wattpad and put my stories out there that I was able to see the impact my stories had."

Wattpad Creator @ScarlettBlackDaisy stopped by the blog to tell us about her passion and mission to write stories about mental health. She shares tips on getting started to write about mental health and details on her own experience using Wattpad as an outlet to share her stories.

On Wattpad, the health and safety of our community is of the highest importance. If you are seeking help for feelings of depression, suicide, harassment, eating disorders, or self harm, please consider using these helplines and supportive resources.

We hope this newsletter has provided you with valuable inspiration and resources, and that you'll join us in our efforts to raise awareness and smash the stigma around depression and anxiety.

Don't forget that taking care of your own mental health is just as important as advocating for the mental health of others. Remember to take breaks when you need them, prioritize rest and relaxation, and seek professional help if you're struggling.

Thank you for your continued commitment to this important cause,

— Wattpad HQ
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