
Embodied Earth

Exploring the element of Earth

Published 4 months ago • 3 min read

Welcome back my friend,

Here we are. Together. Early Winter. At the start of a new cycle, a new season, a new year.

In Celtic pagan tradition, the Winter season is associated with the element of Earth.

Over my years of study, I've found that building relationship with the elements of nature is one of the foundational and primary ways in which we can understand energy, form relationship with the Earth, and know ourselves at a deeper level. The elements provide a framework and a lens through which we can view the world, and see more deeply into the energy patterns of our world.

We have just left the domain of Water, which guided us through Autumn, and we are now beginning to find our footing upon the solid ground, as the light very slowly begins to make its return.

Earth is tangible. Earth provides us structure, foundation, and stability. Earth is what creates a container that can then be filled.

As I mentioned last newsletter, January and the early winter months are sensitive, slow, and contemplative. They are a time for slowly building. Moving at the pace of Earth. They are a time of dreaming our lives into being, creating foundations that we can receive inside of.

In the Sacred Season Winter Guidebook we explore the element of Earth:

“The element of earth represents safety, security, and meeting our basic needs. Earth asks us to look at what we need in our lives to feel safe and secure, and if those needs are being met.
Does your work environment, home environment, community, partnership, etc. feel safe? Do you feel supported in these realms? This is the foundation. If our basic needs are not met, the cascade may be felt in many other areas of our lives. Our basic infrastructure is paramount.
Take note if something doesn’t feel safe or supportive in these areas of your life. Use these winter months to contemplate potential solutions.
How can you structure your life to care for yourself and honor your true needs?
What do you need for support?
Earth creates the container for everything else to move in and through. During the winter days we are building. We are building our stores, building and nourishing our bodies, compiling and gathering our energy within. In doing so, we can have enough stores to take action in the spring. This is not unlike the act of building a container, building the bones of something, so that when the time is ready, it can be filled.”

Living seasonally and rhythmically with the Earth as our guide is ancestral, deeply nourishing, and heals us on so many levels.

This primary relationship, between us and Earth, has been sought to be destroyed. But alas, this is impossible.

Because we are earth, because we are nature. Many of us are finding our way back to this innate, and deeply mending, embodied way of being.

So as we progress through this season, notice your body. Notice how your energy shifts through this part of the cycle. Notice the element of Earth in your daily life, and invite the wisdom of Winter and Earth in to your spiritual practices.

Begin to erect a framework for your life that can house your values.

Dream into structures in the collective that honor both the sanctity of all life, and also the voices of the dead, so we can eject ourselves from the looping roads of destruction and terror that have plagued us for far too long.

Offer your money to structures and systems that are supportive to the Earth-you-know-is-possible.

Plant your roots into the fecundity of rich soil, knowing that as you claim your own self and values, you help solidify the dream of the collective, and the manifestation of a world where our more-than-human friends are honored as well.


I’ve been invited to speak as a featured guest at the Seeker’s Solution Summit 2024 where 19

like-minded and like-hearted speakers will take a deep dive into healing, mindset, soul nourishment,

inner wisdom, quantum alchemy and more. The summit begins TODAY, and my interview airs on January 28th.

It's titled Exploring Earth Medicine and Harmonizing with Nature's Rhythms.

I love the layout of this summit because there's only 1 interview released per day, which is totally digestible.

It's a beautiful way to get inspired, lean into your spiritual self, and dream big this Winter season.

Best of all, it's totally free!

Sacred Seasons Guidebooks

Uncover layers of meaning and magic through embodied seasonal healing and medicine.

"Connecting with the seasons in this deeper way has allowed me to feel more consistently grounded and centered than ever before. Moving through the world feels different, more like moving with the world, living with Earth, tuned in to her ever-present support, beauty and magic." - Rebecca E.

I'm working on dates for the next Plant Wisdom Circle.

Stay tuned!

In honor of the earth that lives within you,

Amy Terepka

Embodied Earth

by Amy Terepka (Groundwater Healing)

Embodied spiritual medicine and animistic teachings to help you find a sense of belonging and ease in your body and soul. I know that the more people who love themselves and feel they truly belong here, the more we find our wholeness as an Earth community. Join us for weekly inspiration on growing deeper relationship with your body and the spiritual Earth.

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